18.Life in danger

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Sid : Ummm.. Ok but are you sure?

Avu : Hmm.

(Sid layed on bed on his side. Avu was sobbing silently. Sid moved towards her and slowly made her turn towards himself. She saw him with teary eyes. He wiped her tears and hugged her slowly. She snuggled more into his chest. He kissed her hair and started carresssing it. She drift to sleep after sometime.

Next morning...

Sid woke up first and saw Avu sleeping on his chest. He smiled and kissed her forehead. He then slowly put her on bed and went in washroom.)

Two days later...

(All were sitting on sofa including Fainat having coffee. Suddenly Avi started coughing. A servant came and gave her water. She then started coughing really badly. All got tensed)

Sid (rubbing her back) : Avu what happened? Are you ok?

(She is clutching her stomach tightly and coughing. All were panicking. She was coughing really badly that tears started falling from her eyes. After coughing for more than ten minutes blood came from her nose and she fainted. Sid got worried)

Sid : Faisu ge get the car fast.

(He took Avu in bridal style and they all went to hospital. Doctor took Avu in the room. All were outside and tensed. Jann was just crying.

Sid was staring at the floor Expressionlessly. Faisu and VA were consoling them. After some time doctor came. All rushed towards him.)

Sid : How is she? How is baby?

Doctor : We are really sorry...

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