16.Back to home

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Next morning...

(Sid got up first as sunrays fall on his face. He saw that Avu is sleeping on his lap. He smiled looking at her. He remove the hair strand coming on her face. She stirred on his lap and slowly opened her eyes. She saw her position and got up quicklyquickly)

Avu : Sorry..

Sid : It's ok. It's ok.

Avu : Umm we should go now.

Sid : yeah. We have to walk till the road. Then we can get network there. I will then call the taxi. Car will be taken by our driver then.

Avu : ok

(They went out side and started walking. They were walking from half an hour. Avu was not saying anything. Sid was feeling guilty as he thinks that because of him Avu is suffering. They finally reached the main road. But there was nothing except a small shop. They went there.)

Sid (to shopkeeper) : Can we use this telephone? We don't have that much network on our phone to call someone.

Shopkeeper : Ok

(Sid called Faisu and said him to send a cab and don't tell anything to VA. He cut the call.)

Sid : Avu it will take half an hour for a cab to reach here.

Avu : Okay.

(Avu is so much tired due to walking. She sat tiredly on the bench near the shop and sighed heavily. She kep her hand on her stomach. Sid saw her and got worried. He went and sat beside her)

Sid (worried) : Avu are you ok?

Avu : yeah. Just little bit tired.

Sid : You need something?

Avu : No.

(Sid side hugged her softly. Avu just closed her eyes and stayed like that. After half an hour their cab came. They went to home. In car Avu slept as she was tired.

They reached home. Sid took Avu in bridal style and took her home. As soon as Faisu and VA saw them they ran towards them. Faisu screamed because of which Avu stirred and got scared and got up. Sid put her down. She breathed heavily)

Sid : Avu are you ok?

Avu : Yeah

Sid : Don't worry. See we are home.

(Avu looked around and smiled.)

VA : Avu sit here first.

(Avu sat there. VA gave water to her)

Sid (to Faisu) : Are you insane or what? Itne jorse kyun chillaya?

Faisu : Sorry yaar.

(Then they both took bath and got ready and took some rest)

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now