51.Caring Avu

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In evening...

(Sid came home. He opened the door and saw that Avu is sleeping in a very awkward position leaning on sofa.

A tear escaped from his eye remembering how harsh his words were for her. He was going towards her but he stopped thinking she cheated him.

Due to the noise of his footsteps Avi woke up slowly. She saw him. She was about to say something to him but he went away in their room. She just smiled.

She stood up. But her neck was paining a lot because she slept very uncomfortably. She woke up and saw the time. She got shocked. Because it was 7 pm and she didn't prepare the dinner.
She started making dinner for Sid.

She was working very fastly. After about only half an hour dinner was ready. She put the dinner on dining table and walked towards the room.

She was scared of Sid. But she cares for him. So eventually she knocked the door. Sid opened it turned his face away from her.)

Sid : What?

Avu : Umm.. Very sorry to disturb you. But the dinner is ready. You can..

Sid : I don't want to eat anything.

Avu : I am very sorry. But don't do like this. You should take care of yourself. I know you are angry on me. I won't show you my face. I will just prepare your plate in two minutes. You can then come and have your dinner. I will not sat there. I will be in the other room. Please come and have your dinner.

(She didn't let him complete and went down. She prepare the plates and went in the room beside the kitchen. She was waiting for Sid to come.

After about five minutes he came and saw the dishes ready. He quietly sat there and had his dinner. Avu got happy. He then finished his dinner and straight went to the bedroom.

Avu smiled and ate her dinner for her baby. She ate while having tears in her eyes. She then washed the dishes and smdid her work. She walked for few minutes as it's good for the baby. Then she straight went to the room beside kithen and slept on bed as she was tired)

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