30.Avu's surprise

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At night...

(Sid was sitting on bed thinking something)

Sid (in mind) : I am not gonna forgive her easily. What if something has happened? How careless she is.

(VA came there and told Sid to dress up. She forcefully made him sit in the car and bilbd fold him. Driver took him somewhere.

Sm1 took Sid in the middle of that place and leave from there. Sid opened his blind fold and what he saw left him in shock. The place was beautifully decorated.

There were red ballons and lights and table and chairs decorated. He smiled widely. Sm1 tapped him. He turned and saw Avu with rose in her hand and kneeled down. He got shocked)

Avu : Sid I know I did wrong. Please forgive me for it. But trust me I just wanted you to get free from jail. I just wanted you to become happy as before. I just wanted you to live your life again happily. I know our marriage didn't happen in a great situation.

I never saw a guy like you. You took care of me like anything. Never any person gave me importance like you except Jann. I know how upset you are with your complications and all. But trust me I am not angry on you. I just want you to be happy as before.

Because I fell for you Sid. Yes Sid. I know it's too much long. But I really really love you. I just didn't realize it before. I want to ask you that will you be with me for the entire life?

(Sid was speechless. Tears were rolling from his cheecks. He didn't expect this from Avu. He made Avu stand and took the rose from her hand)

Sid : yes.yes.yes. I will be with you for entire life and after that also. Because I love you too.

(Avu couldn't control so hugged him. He hugged her back. They broke the hug and look in each other's eyes with love. They both were happy. Sid took a in bridal style and twirled her.
After that they spend some time and ate dinner. Then they went home.)

Abiding Love - A Sidneet ff (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now