21.Sid's truth

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(Sid looked towards the person. The person was none another than his best friend Faisu. Before Sid could say anything he said)

Faisu : I know bro. Don't worry. She will understand.

Sid (shocked) : I said it louder?

Faisu : yes. Sid I think you should tell her everything.

Sid : But how? She is not fine. She is physically fine but I know she is heartbroken. What will she think about me?

Faisu : Don't worry bro. Me and mom are with you always.

(Sid smiled)

Faisu : Now go and sleep.

(Both left. Sid entered the room and saw Avu was about to leave the bed. She looked at him. He came near her)

Sid : What happened? Do you need anything?

Avu : I woke up to drink water. But I couldn't see you. So I was about to go and search for you. Where were you?

Sid : Oh. I went out as I was not feeling sleepy.

Avu : Oh ok

Sid : Let's sleep then.

Avu : yeah.

(Sid sat on bed with the support of headboard and Avu layed on the bed. Sid took Avu's head on his lap. He started caressing her hair. She kept her hand on her stomach and started crying silently.

Sid saw this and wiped her tears. He kissed her forehead and layed down beside her with her on top of his chest. He wrapped his arms around her body giving her warmth.

She snuggled into his chest more. He kept caressing her hair. After some time she slept. A tear drop escaped from his eye on the thought of baby.

Next morning...

All were sitting on the breakfast table except Avu. She is doing work in the bedroom. Faisu told VA about last night.)

VA : Sid I know you are scared. But you should tell her. It will be more critical if she get to know from somewhere else. It's better that you tell her. I am with you beta.

(Sid went and hugged her tightly and started crying)

Sid (crying) : Mom why only me? Firstly God snatched the possibility of me becoming father. He gave me complexes. Then I got Avu. I thought I can become father then. That's why I marry her. But no God is not with me mom. Why me? Why? Why?

(He was just crying and crying. VA was consoling him. Then they heard the voice of falling a file. They looked towards the direction of voice and saw Avu. She was having zero expression. Tears were rolling from her eyes. All got scared. Sid got scared more. Suddenly...

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