Chapter 42

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Apologies for the very short chapter

2 days later...

Barry and I walked through the streets of Central City, the honking of cars drowning out my thoughts as his hand warmed mine.

"So, where are we going again? You know we have an early shift tomorrow and I really can't be late-"

"It's fine, Daisy. We will be home in bed at a reasonable hour." He said with a smile as I raised a brow.

"And how reasonable is 'reasonable,' Mr. Allen?" I joked as he grinned, shrugging.

"Okay so maybe we won't get home until midnight if we walk, but this is because you totaled your car." He said as I scoffed.

"Do I need to remind you that 1. It was the jackass that didn't see the red light and 2. We both have super speed."  I said as Barry rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Alright so maybe I forgot about that. But we've been busy trying to get back to Earth-2 so I thought you and I could use a break and go to-"

"You got us a reservation at The Ivory?!" I blurted out as I looked down at our outfits. "Barry we are not dressed for that!" I pointed out as he laughed.

"Yeah I know but it's fine. Remember: we're speedsters." He whispered as I smirked at l him. The two of us disappeared from the streets then reappeared back in more formal clothes suited to the restaurant, glad that no one had noticed the two of us.

" you uh-you look amazing, Daisy." Barry said as I smiled at him, looking Barry up and down as he shifted.

"And you look very handsome." I complimented as he blushed. "Shall we?" I asked as Barry cleared his throat and nodded, wrapping my arm around his as we walked into The Ivory.


I took a sip of my wine as Barry ate his steak, his eyes glancing around the room nervously as if something bad was going to happen any second. I only laughed it off.

"Barry c'mon. There hasn't been any reports of a crime in a few weeks other than that corner store robbery. We'll be fine." I reassured him as he leaned forward on the table.

"Yeah I'm not sure. It's just that ever since Jay..." he trailed off after seeing the change of emotions on my face. Barry sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Ever since the portal closed I just have this feeling in my chest that something bad is about to happen."

"Trust me, Barry... We all have that feeling." I said and took his hand in mine, rubbing it gently. Barry gave me a crooked smile as I sighed through my nose. "But we will be okay. Whatever happens, Team Flash can fix it. We always do." I smiled at him as Barry nodded.

"I love you, Daisy." He said quickly as my eyes widened slightly.

A/N: I can't remember if they said it already bc of how long I haven't updated this so let's just pretend 😀

I kept my smile as Barry's eyes glimmered. "I love you too, Barry. I always will." Barry grinned as a waitress walked by. I called out to them, and when they turned around my heart skipped a beat. Both in shock and fear

"Cass.. Cassandra?!" I said a little loudly as Barry gave the two of us a confused look. Cassandra's eyes widened as she dropped the empty tray.

"Cora..." Cassandra said quietly as Barry leaned over. Cassandra looked like she barely aged, her dark hair tied up in a ponytail and her face contorted in fear.

"Do you two know each other?" He asked as I nodded slowly, the two of us standing up just as slowly.

"She's my ex-girlfriend. And I was told she was dead."


Daisy has been confirmed bi😩
Obviously tho her relationship ain't changing with Barry 👹

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