Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Iris! Good you're here, I really need to talk to you." I said as I entered the precinct, where Joe just started to walk away.

"Oh, hey Daisy. Barry isn't here right now, I think." She said as I sighed, shaking my head.

"Actually, I came to talk about Barry." I said as I fumbled with the promise ring I got a few days ago from him.

"About... Barry? What's wrong? Oh my god did you two break up?!" Iris asked as I gasped, shaking my head.

"What?! Oh my good no! No we didn't break up. I- he's been having these night terrors recently, and he's well... he's being kind of guarded. He won't tell me about them and they seem to be bugging him recently. And, since you guys are best friends, do you think you can get him to tell you?" I asked. I didn't want to ask Iris for this, but I was starting to worry about Barry.

"Oh yeah of course. I've been noticing it too." Iris said with a few nods as I smiled and sighed.

"Thank you. We should get to the CCPN. I really need to keep this job." I said as Iris laughed and nodded, both of us entering the elevator.


"Daisy. Good to see you finally show up." Scott Evans said as I silently cursed to myself about being an hour late. If I had just used my speed i wouldn't have been, but Iris was with me, and I'm not making the same mistake of running in sneakers in the snow.

"Sorry, Scott. Traffic was rough and uh-"

"She had to pick me up." Iris said as I looked at her before nodding.

"Yep. Had to pick up Iris." I lied as Scott gave me a raised brow before rolling his eyes.

"Whatever. I want a new piece on the Flash. This new threat to Central City. Zoom. Write it. Good to see you Iris." Scott said with a small smile before walking away as I looked between them several times before gasping.

"Holy shit! You went on a date with him!" I said as Iris rolled her eyes.

"It's not that big a deal!" Iris said as I scoffed.

"It's a huge deal, Iris! You're finally going back out there again!" I said with excitement as Iris rolled her eyes again.

Before she could say anything else, my phone buzzed, frowning. "Cisco needs me. Really?" I said with a scoff as Iris chuckled, patting my shoulder.

"I'll tel Scott you had a family emergency, or something." Iris said with a laugh as I gave her a thankful look.

"Thank you so much. I'll be back soon I promise. Oh hey Linda bye Linda!" I said as Linda passed me and Iris, giving us both a smile as she waved hello and goodbye.

"Hey Daisy! Bye Daisy!" Linda said as I ran out the door in normal speed.

How lucky of me to do that.

Someone grabbed my jacket, yanking me into the alleyway and slamming me against a wall. "Give me all your money! Now!" The man yelled as he aimed a gun at me.

"Oh. Oh we are doing this okay. Uh, give me one second." I pulled out my phone, calling Barry in the process as the man frowned at me like I was crazy, yanking my phone out of my hand and tossing it to the side.

"Hey! Buddy I still had a month left on my plan!" I yelled as he cocked the gun.

"Money. Or I'mma blow your damn brains out on three." He threatened as I crossed my arms and raised a brow.

"Do it." I said as the main scoffed.

"One-" using my super speed, I did the same thing Barry had done over a year ago to a man that tried to rob him, stopping the man of his clothes so he was just in his underwear, and running around to find a cop and bring him to where he was before speeding to S.T.A.R. Labs after grabbing my phone.

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