Chapter One

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"Good job with Rory and Snart, Barry." Cora said as I chuckled, bringing her into a hug.

"Couldn't have done it without you." I smiled, a hum escaping Cora as she looked up at me.

"So. Are you going to the Flash Day parade?" Cora asked as I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as Cora groaned. "Barry. Central City literally dedicated to you. The man who saved Central City." Cora said poking me hard in the chest.

"I can't-" I started before Cora cut me off.

"You give this city hope, Bar. Hope that this city will be the safest city in the country. And hope that-"

Everything stopped. The movement in time. The annoyance in Cora's eyes as they filled with fear.

And her heart as a hand vibrated through it.

The hand yanked back, a scream escaping me as I looked up to see Harrison Wells standing in front of me, a cold and blank look on his face.

"What's the matter, Flash? You didn't need her to protect this city. Isn't that why she left 4 months ago?" Wells said.

And then I woke up. Again.

Just another terrible nightmare. Ones that I have been getting more frequently. Well, ever since Cora went back to live in Starling.

I groaned, looking at my calendar. Flash Day.

I didn't even deserve it. I wasn't the one who saved Central City. The one who did was dead.

It's been six months since the singularity. Four months since Cora left Central City to move back to Starling City after the death of her father. I'm on my own now. I guess it's better that way.

It keeps the people I love safe.

My phone rang, a smile brightening on my face to see the one person who called me everyday. Cora.

"Hey Bar. I'm on the next train to Central City! Are you going to the Parade? Please tell me you're going to the parade because I just bought a bunch of ridiculous Flash merch and-"

"Cora. Calm down." I said with a chuckle as I heard her sigh through the phone. "I'm still not sure." I answered as Cora groaned.

"Barry. This Flash Day parade means so much to everyone in Central City. You have to go. You're getting the keg to the city for Christ's sake!" Cora said as I heard her car start up.

"I know I know I just. . ." I trailed off as Joe started to call, a groan escaping me. "I gotta go. Joe's calling." I said as I could only see Cora pout.

"Okay. Bye Bar. I Love you." Cora said as I smiled, looking down at my feet.

"I love you too, Cora. See you soon." We hung up as I answered Joe's call about a new homicide. But my mind had been distracted.

While I haven't been able to visit Cora even with my speed since she started a night job.

it was difficult to keep up with this 'long distance' relationship while you're a superhero.

I just hoped that nothing would get in the way of that.


I sat quite uncomfortably in the train, which was going at quite a fast rate, but not as fast as the Flash, obviously.

We all knew that since the Reverse Flash was wiped from existence, nothing was faster than Barry.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?" I looked up to see a man with dirty brown hair tap me gently on the shoulder, a welcoming smile on my face as I nodded, allowing him to sit across from me.

"Thanks." He said quietly as I nodded. "Central City huh? Got anyone there?" The man asked as I smiled again, nodding.

"Long distance thing. Mainly just going there for him and Flash Day." I said as the man tsked. "I'm Cora Agápi." I outstretched my hand, which he took.

"Jay Garrick. Visited Starling for a few weeks but I live in Central City." He said as I nodded.

"Lived here most of my life. Then Central for about a year then moved back here a few months ago." I said as Jay frowned, tilting his head.

"Why move back?"

"My dad. . . He passed away a few months ago. My moms slowly showing signs of Alzheimer's. Have to help her around and stuff." I said as the man looked down.

"Sorry to hear that. Lost my parents when I was younger." Jay said as I frowned.

"Losing a parent is never easy." I said as Jay shook his head. The rest of the train ride was mainly quiet. We only asked each other random questions, ones that we'd end up forgetting.

As the train came up to the station, I waved Jay goodbye, wondering if there was the possibility of us meeting again, as he seemed like a nice guy.

But I couldn't trust that niceness. I barely trusted the barista at my local coffee shop in Starling since Wells.

I probably couldn't even trust the damn dogs.

I could faintly hear loud music blaring as I made my way to the park, where decorations dedicated to Barry was laid about everywhere.

I stood a small distance off from the crowd, looking around as I waited for the Scarlet Speedster.

"Cora?" I turned my head to see Cisco, an ecstatic smile on his face as I smiled back. Joe stood behind him as I ran up to Cisco, practically consuming him in a hug.

"Cisco! Hey Joe!" I said as Joe smiled. I looked around, having hoped to see Caitlin around us, but only saw her off away from the crowd.

When I turned back to Cisco, I saw him grabbing a strange device, a frown on my face. "What is that?" I asked as Cisco smiled.

"I call it 'The Boot.' It's supposed to stop the meta's from using their powers. Bye the way um. . . Have you talked to Barry about this?" Cisco asked as I sighed, nodding.

"I call him every morning, Cisco. I just hope I've convinced him to come here." I said as they all nodded. The Mayor finally made his appearance, a small round of applause booming from the crowd.

I chose to frown out the voices until I heard a whoosh, a smile crossing my face as I saw Barry on the stage. His eyes immediately caught mine, the happiest look on his face.

It may have been happier than mine.

The Flash waved to everyone as the crowd erupted into cheers.

"The doors will forever be open to you, Flash!" The Mayor said with a smile before a scream escaped a woman in the crowds.

"Look out!" She yelled as everyone ducked.

Everything went by so fast. Cisco struggling to get the Boot on the meta. The meta seeming to frown in size after the Boot was attached.

"Flash!" I screamed, but maybe I shouldn't have said anything, as the meta snapped his attention to me. "Dammit." I mumbled as he stepped towards me.

Good thing I've been training myself.

I outstretched my arms next to me, my hands being consumed in a red electric glow, stopping the meta in his tracks as I threw a ball of energy at him.

"God dammit." I said under my breath, watching as the meta grew, again.

I chuckled awkwardly, turning to Cisco and Joe. "Maybe it's a good idea to run. I said as they nodded. But before we could, the meta ran off.

I turned around to see Barry standing a short distance away, looking at all three of us, his main focus on me as I smiled.

"Barry-" I muttered, slowly walking up to him before breaking into a sprint, throwing myself at him as his arms gripped themselves around my body.

Barry chuckled as he kissed my cheek. But maybe it wasn't such a good idea to do so in his Flash suit. But at the moment neither of us could care as he whispered to me.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you."

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