Chapter Five

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"Where's Barry?" I asked as everyone turned to me while I entered the Cortex. While everyone started to look at one another, I could feel jays eyes almost glued onto me.

"Oh he uh. . . He went with Joe to a crime scene." Cisco said as I nodded in understanding.

"Another meta-human?" I asked as they all nodded while I sat down in front of the monitors. I relaxed into the swivel chair as I tapped my fingers on the arms, looking around at everyone, who's were staring at me.

"What?" I said as I raised a brow.

"Can-Can we talk to you, Cora?" Caitlin asked as I frowned, slowly nodding as me Caitlin and Cisco walked out of the cortex.

"What is it?" I questioned as Cisco just looked between me and Caitlin, hoping he wouldn't have to share the news.

"There's a new meta going around, a sand demon, as Cisco would put it. He-He asked for you and Barry- The Flash to meet him later tomorrow night." Caitlin said as I frowned.

"I don't understand? I never used my powers out in the open unless it was my mind reading. How would this sandman know about me?" I said as Cisco rubbed the back of his neck.

"We are trying to wrap our heads around it too, Cora. But for now you and Barry will have to train to fight this guy. Other than that you'll need to stay here or at home until we catch this guy." Cisco said as I nodded slowly.

"O-Okay yeah I can do that. I'll uh, stay here until Barry gets glance then have him take me. . . To the hotel I can't stay at anymore god dammit!" I said as I smacked my forehead. "I need to call Barry." I said as I walked away from the two, leaving them in a state of small confusion as I dialed Barry.

"Hey Cora, whats up?" Barry said as I laughed awkwardly.

"Hey Bar uh, I've kinda been. . . Banned, from the hotel that I was supposed to stay in tonight for fighting a lady over a plate of nachos today. . . Could I stay with-"

"Sure." Barry said, cutting me off as my mouth hung open.

"Oh um. Okay. I'll just get my bags from the rental car then- you just sped them over Didn't you?" I said with a frown as I could only picture the smile on Barry's face.

"Yeah. I can take you there now?" Barry suggested as I shook my head, realizing he couldn't see a few moments later.

"No. No it's fine I can walk. I need to get some things Anyways." I said with a smile as Barry sighed.

"Alright. I'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too, Barry." I said whilst hanging up, a smile on my face as I walked back to the cortex, feeling a rush of wind past me as Barry entered.

"So, let's get to training." Barry said as I rolled my eyes. He couldn't wait a few minutes?


After what felt like hours of Caitlin and Cisco trying to convince me and Barry to let Jay help us train, we were forced to give in.

Not much had happened, Barry was attempting to shoot a bolt of lightning at a target, I was trying to use my energy manipulation to hopefully use it to turn the 'sand' into glass, but we all knew Barry would be doing that.

I didn't want to risk showing everyone I was a meta. It was hard to train with Jay around as is.

After Barry and I had finally finished training, we chose to head back to Joe's, where I almost immediately fell asleep.

I changed into a pair of volleyball shorts and a tank top, crawling into bed next to Barry, his arms quickly wrapping around me and pulling me closely.

Our lips connected a few moments later, but only for a few seconds as I turned away to yawn, resting my head in the crook of his neck as I whispered goodnight into his ear.

And then I let the darkness of my inner sleep demons take me away.


A few hours later into the night, no doubt around 3 AM, I jolted awake, managing to not wake up Barry as I looked around, hearing a noise outside the West house.

Slowly and cautiously, I made my way out of the bed and downstairs, peeking through the window to see if anyone was outside.

Once again for me, curiosity got the best of my emotions as I stepped out onto the porch, looking around.

And suddenly, a tall, dark figure was in front of me, blue lightning dancing on its suit. I was frozen in fear, unable to move even after Zoom attached something to my head.

I watched in terror as he turned it on, my eyes widening as something triggered in my brain. Several thoughts running amid in my mind.

The negative thoughts that ran through my head scared me, but they wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried. They thoughts continued to stay, even after Zoom turned off the machine and left.

I felt like a robot, out of body as I walked back into the house and into the kitchen. Barry had walked downstairs by the time I reached the fridge, my face stone cold as he frowned at me.

"You alright, Cora?" He asked as I poured a glass of milk, nodding slowly before turning to him.

"Everything is fine."

What do yall think happened to Cora?
Because I'm just getting started with her "downfall"
Also what do y'all think Jay has planning for her?

Comment and vote! XX

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