Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Um guys.... He's flying." Barry said to us as we all frowned in confusion.

"Mardon can fly?" We all asked in unison as Barry hummed a 'mhm' in confirmation.

"Well. That's a new one." I said quietly as Barry started to chase after Mardon.

"You didn't really think I'd let you hurt all these people did you?" Barry said to Mardon over the comms. Mardon a talking was muffled, but I could clearly hear something about Mark hurting Barry.

Growing impatient, I stood up just to pace back and forth, biting my nails as I waited for Barry to return. I wasn't usually nervous when he went out, but when I heard the Tricksters laugh, I think I was about to pass out.

"They're gonna kill Barry unless we find those bombs!" Cisco yelled as I felt the electricity in my body surge through me.

"There are over 100 presents that have a bomb in it, we won't be able to go to every house and get them!" Caitlin said as Cisco looked to me. The last two people that had yet to know I was a speedster were in the room, and I didn't know if I was ready to tell them. Yeah I definitely wasn't.

"How are we supposed to find 100 randomly placed bombs?" Cisco asked as I smiled at a thought.

"We don't have to find 100. We just have to find 1." I said as they all frowned, but Jay smirked.

"A breach." He said as I nodded.

"A breach." I repeated as Cisco frowned.

"If we can change the dimensional frequency of this bomb and get it through that breach... It'll drag all the rest of the bombs right along with it. Did any of you not learn physics?" I said as they all looked at me with amazement.

In around ten minutes, Cisco and Caitlin had thrown one of the bombs into the breach, and I watched on security cameras as the rest went with the first.

"Barry! The bombs are gone!" I said through the comms as I heard Trickster mutter an 'uh oh', a chuckle escaping me.

I watched from the road cameras as Patty walked up to Mark Mardon, who was currently cuffed as she aimed her gun at him. "Oh god Patty what are you doing..." I said quietly as I leaned forward, watching the events unfold.

It did take some talking, but Barry was able to get Patty to put her gun away. Cisco and Caitlin got back soon after and then Barry was back as well.

"I don't know about you guys, but I could really go for some Grandma Ester's famous eggnog." I said with a chuckle as Cisco huffed in agreement.

We all chuckled and started to head out. As everyone walked out, I stopped, turning to see Harry staring at the clear board. "You coming, Harry?" I asked as he set the marker down, shaking his head.

"No... no.. I don't want to celebrate without my daughter." He said as I frowned in remorse for him, writing down Joe's address quickly.

"Well... if you change your mind, here's his address. Merry Christmas, Harry." I said with a small smile as he nodded.

"Merry Christmas, Cora." He said as I walked out of the cortex. After making sure I was out of sight, I raced to Joe's.

"Hey everyone, I'm here." I said as they all cheered, I noticed Jay and Caitlin talking about mistletoe, a smirk spreading across Cisco and I's faces as they both kissed.

"FINALLY!" I yelled, startling Caitlin. "Took you two long enough." I said as I fist bumped Cisco, who was silently fan girling.

"Hey Cora." Barry said as I smiled, humming as he gave me a kiss before I walked in front of the fireplace to get everyone's attention.

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 (𝟮) Where stories live. Discover now