Chapter Seven

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I had wasted no time fleeing S.T.A.R Labs after telling Jay the truth.

I had to be as far from Barry as I could be. It didn't matter if I fled back to Starling, or to the bottom of the ocean.

I had to figure out a way to get rid of these thoughts before it was too late.

4 days later

3rd person

Barry was anywhere from calm. For the past four days he had been either cooped in his room, lab or star labs trying to figure out where Cora had gone.

"Barry, there's no facial recognition anywhere on Cora." Caitlin said as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Check again!" He yelled, the stress of trying to find someone who was under the influence of Zoom, who happened to be the girl he loved, trapped in his mind.

"We've checked 17 times Barry." Cisco said with a sadness in his voice. "She isn't anywhere on the streets."

"Well- m-maybe shes in the sewers? I-I don't know she can't have gone back to Starling, right?" Barry said as his brows furrowed together.

"Barry, there are more important things at stake here then looking for Cora." Jay said as Barry snapped his attention to him.

"What?! Cora has been missing for 4 days, Jay! And you're telling me to let it go? B-because what, zoom is trying to kill me? I haven't even seen his face!" Barry yelled as Caitlin and Cisco took a few steps back.

"Barry. Zoom is a dangerous man-"

"He's taking over Cora's mind! She has no idea why those thoughts are running through her head! She hasn't been in a bed for days!" Barry' started to huff from yelling, looking over at Cisco and Caitlin.

"Run the facial recognition again." Barry ordered. With little hesitation, Cisco started to type into the computer before a beeping noise popped up.

"Where is she?!" Barry asked as he leaned over the railing.

"B-Barry shes. . . She's outside." Barry turned around at the screens to see Cora, her hair matted and dirty. Her clothes were just as bad. She looked like she took a bath in dirt.

"Cora. . ." Before anyone could stop him, Barry sped off outside, now standing in front of Cora, who was staring down at the ground.

"Cora!" A wave of relief washed over Barry as he started to take slow steps towards her, but when she looked up, it only caused him to freeze.

There were cuts and bruises on her face, dirt mixed with blood. Relief was soon washed away by the worry Barry had for his girlfriend.

"I- I tried to fight the Sand demon- b-before you did a few days ago and. . . I was unconscious for so long. . ." Cora said as tears started to roll down her eyes.

It explained why facial recognition hadn't worked. They fought in the sewers, so Cora explained. The bruises around her throat indicated he had most likely choked her to unconsciousness.

Barry, despite knowing that she was a dirt mess, grabbed her arm and brought her into a hug, even though he knew it was probably dangerous.

Cora let out a quiet fry as she gripped Barry into a hug, crying into his shoulder as he brought her back inside.

"Cora!" Caitlin and Cisco said in unison as they ushered her to the medical room, where Caitlin quickly began cleaning her face and wounds.

Cora started to explain what had happened when she left. How she knocked Jay back when he tried to race after her again, going to search for Zoom before finding Sand Demon instead.

How he had nearly choked her to death before knocking her into the sewers, where she laid unconscious for 2 days before waking up.

"Why didn't you come back after that?" Cisco asked as he cleaned the cut on Cora's arm.

"I-I wanted to make sure that the thoughts were. . . Gone." Cora answered as she tried her best not to make eye contact with Barry.

"I-I think I'll just take a shower now. Barry can    you-" in the blink of an eye, Barry sweeped Cora off her feet and they now stood in the West house.

While Barry and Cora had disappeared, Caitlin am turned to Cisco. "Her wounds weren't fresh. Why isn't she healing?"

"Oh- thank you. . ." Cora said quietly before making her way to the bathroom, not giving Barry a moment to speak.

Locking the door, Cora placed her hands over her eyes and rubbed them before slowly removing her clothes and turning on the shower.

As it started to warm up, Cora stared down at her hands, squinting her eyes hard as she concentrated on trying to make at least a small ball of energy.

But nothing of the sort escaped her dirt covered hands.

Cora let out a sad and long sigh, succumbing to the news of herself that she didn't need to see a scan to know.

She had lost her powers, and knew there wasn't any way to get them back.


This chapter absolutely ✨sucked✨
Sorry you had to read that :D

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