Chapter Two

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"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that this guy, who y'all just found the body of, And he's not a zombie?" I asked as Joe and Barry nodded slowly as I frowned.

"Lame." I said as Cisco sighed, nodding in agreement as he spoke up.

"Get this, the night the particle accelerator went off, Rothstein was on his honeymoon. In Hawaii."

"Twin brother?" Cisco questioned as Barry shook his head.

"Only child." He answered as I scoffed quietly.

"So how is he standing on two big foot feet?" I asked as everyone shrugged. "I came back to see Barry be handed the key to the city, not see him have to fight the male version of Susan Murphy from Monsters Vs. Aliens." I said as Cisco chuckled quietly, everyone but me glaring at him before he shut his mouth.

"Cora, can I have a word with you for a minute?" Joe asked as I looked at Barry warily before nodding, following into the training room.

"Barry needs our help with this." Joe quickly said as I stopped in my tracks.

"Joe, Barry said if I couldn't do this with him than he'll work alone. And I can't just up and leave my mom." I said as Joe nodded slowly.

"Look. He's not going to want our help if you aren't here with us. Whatever and whoever this new meta is. . . Barry can't fight him alone." Joe said as he pointed to the glass at Barry, who was talking to Cisco.

I looked over at Barry, sighing. I love Barry, but my mom has always come first since my dads death. I don't know if I could just throw her in a nursing home. That seems so wrong.

Crossing my arms, I sighed quietly. "I-I can't Joe. You'll just. . . Have to do this without me. I'm sorry." I said as Joe sighed through his nose, nodding.

"Look, maybe you three with Caitlin will work well without my help." I assured as Joe shook his head.

"You know damn well that ain't true, Cora. Hell, some of the shit you say probably wouldn't have entered any of our minds." Joe said as I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Barry will do just fine with you guys. My mom needs me to take care of her now." I said as Joe nodded, allowing me to leave.

I walked out and next to Barry, his hand finding mine almost immediately, but I had to stop my frown.

"I'll be back guys, I need to talk to Caitlin." Cisco said as we waved him goodbye as I sat down in my old chair, a nostalgic feeling hitting my heart.

"I missed this chair more than I missed you guys if I'll be honest." I joked, letting out a laugh as Joe and Barry did.

"Hey how about we all go back to Joe's? Catch up on what we've missed?" Barry suggested as I looked over at Joe, both of us shrugging.

"I'm okay with that. I do miss that house." I said with a chuckle as Barry smiled, and off we went.


So, as we said back at S.T.A.R Labs, Joe, Barry and I were practically laughing at everything we said as we sipped on our beer and wine. God I hate beer.

As our laughter died down, someone knocked on the door. All of us looked at one another before Barry walked over and answered.

"Hello?" He said as a man gave him a fake smile.

"Mr. Allen? Barry Allen?" The man said as I walked up, standing a little off as Barry nodded. "I'm Greg Turk. I'm an attorney at Weathersby and Stone. I don't usually make house calls, but I've been trying to get in touch with you for several months."

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