Chapter 36: The Cross-Over

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Time-line has been slightly altered for the sake of this cross-over.


Barry wasn't fast enough to save Iris from getting hit in the shoulder, but at least she isn't dead.

But now we can't trust Harry because he was stealing his speed. That's why he was so slow trying to send Eobard back in time.

I had no clue what I was supposed to do now. I had just saved Cisco from death, Jay now knows about my speed.

Now all we had to do was go to Earth-2 and save Jesse. This should be fun.

"How are we even supposed to get to Earth-2? Cisco isn't sure if he can do it." Barry said as we all sat in silence and confusion.

"Well, I'm assuming this Cisco person has a meta-power involving being able to creating a wormhole from one earth to another, and that basically means that my entire life has been a lie and there really is a multiverse even though I already knew it existed... Oh dear I'm rambling." Every froze up, turning to the new voice except for Barry, who had been facing away.

"I know that voice." Barry said as I turned to him and frowned. When he turned to face us, the biggest smile was plastered on his face.

"Hello Barry." The girl said as she smiled. This girl looked familiar, like I had seen her in a photo or on the news somewhere.

"Felicity." Barry said as he walked up to her, bringing the girl into a tight hug. "I haven't seen you since high school oh my god."

"A-and who is this?" Cisco asked in a flirty tone as Barry let go of Felicity, who looked at Cisco with a smile before our stretching her hand.

"Felicity Parker, CEO and co-founder of Parker Industries ." She said, shaking Cisco's hand as my mouth dropped open.

"Wait- you mean multi-BILLION dollar Felicity Parker? The woman who created the cure for several supposedly 'incurable' diseases?" I said shooting you as she shrugged and smiled.

"That would be me." She said with a chuckle as I gasped, looking at Barry.


"I moved away in my freshman year with her, Daisy! It's been a few years and I forgot." He said as Felicity gasped.

"Rude of you to forget your childhood best friend." She said with a scoff, crossing her arms.

"Sorry. Anyways, what are you doing here?" He asked as she shrugged.

"No reason, other than asking if you're the Flash." She said as everyone's eyes shot open.

"H-how did you-"

"Bartholomew. Henry. Allen. Need I remind you that I grew up with you for 15 years. Also, your mask does not hide your features well AT ALL." Felicity argued as Cisco gasped.

"I don't like her anymore." He pouted as I rubbed the back of my neck. She wasn't really wrong.

"He has very distinct features..." Felicity continued as Barry turned to me as if I could help.

"Don't look at me, this woman is smart." I said as she smirked.

"Anyways, I need help with something." Felicity said as she walked to the center of the Cortex and lifted up her shirt to reveal a large black circle with purple glowing light that stretched from her rib cage to her hip.

"WOAH OKAY." Cisco said as he looked away from whatever was on her.

"It showed up as a small dot a few days ago. It didn't get so big until last night, and it just keeps growing. Now, I'm assuming this is happening because I was doing an experiment to make a new cure for an immune disease a friend of mines daughter has, and I bumped into some chemicals late at night and stepped on the glass of a shattered tube. She glass went through my shoe, and well... now I'm here." Felicity informed us as i got up and looked at it.

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