Chapter Four

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"How do you know his name, Jay? I never told you about Barry." I said as Jay raised his hands up slightly in defense.

"I've known all your names for some time. Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Cora Agápi, Detective Joe West-"

"Alright that's enough." Joe ordered as he fixed his hands on the hold of his gun, which was still aimed at Jay. "That part about explaining needs to happen right about now." Joe continued as we all nodded.

"This world is in danger." Jay started as I furrowed my brows.

"World? Y-you mean like. . . There's other worlds? A multiverse?!" I started as Barry was suddenly intrigued.

"When you created the singularity above central city,
You also created a breach between my world and yours." Jay said as Cisco frowned.

"A breach?" He asked as I nodded.

"A portal between two places. In this case, two earths." I informed as everyone 'ah'd'

"And what precisely is your concern?" Joe asked as Jay started to explain.

"A few days ago, you found a dead man named al rothstein At the nuclear plant. But then a different al rothstein tried to kill you." Jay said as we all nodded.

"So you mean to tell us the al that tried to kill Barry is a-"

"Doppelgänger." I finished Cisco's sentence as his mouth dropped open.

"That man was from my world. If he got through the breach, I suspect there'll be more to follow." Jay said as Caitlin chimes in.

"How exactly do you know all of this?" She asked as Jay sounded slightly bothered from the sigh he let out.

"Where I came from, I was a speedster like you. They called me the Flash." He said as everyone's mouths dropped and their eyes widened.

"Before I arrived on your earth, I was in a fight with a man named Zoom." Jay informed as Barry slowly let go of me.

"Zoom. I've heard that name before." Barry said as I nodded.

"Al said his name before he died." I said as everyone nodded.

"Atom smasher, he said Zoom sent him here to kill me. Who is this guy?" Barry said as Jay's face turned stone cold. It was pretty scary. I frowned as I tried to read his thoughts, but something blocked me out.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't read his thoughts.

Red Flag: 1 i thought to myself as Jay went on to tell us about Zoom, how he was a bad speedster on his earth. Jay continued to tel is how he and Zoom were in a fierce battle, that he almost died before the singularity opened up and sucked him in.

"And you've been stuck here for the past six months? What the hell have you been doing?" I asked as Jay suddenly looked uncomfortable, but it looked forced.

"Watching you all, maki sure I was making the right choice coming to you guys." Jay said as I widened my eyes.

"That's why you were coming from Starling to Central City. You were watching me, too?!" I said in an angered voice as Jay made the obvious 'yes' face.

I had to hold Barry back from attacking Jay. No way would he left this stranger watch me like a stalker.

"Look, I know this all looks bad, but trust me I mean no harm. I'm telling you all the truth." Jay said as I looked towards Barry.

"I can't trust him." I heard his thoughts say as I squeezed his hand, watching as Caitlin brought Jay to the medical room for testing.


"We can't trust him, Cora. I-" Barry stopped, unable to process words as he started to recall the last time he trusted someone.

"Barry. I-I tried to read his thoughts, see if he was telling the truth but. . . I couldn't. It was like something was blocking me out." I said as Barry turned to Jay, who had since removed his shirt to let Caitlin stick the equipment on him.

Jesus Christ he's kinda ri- NO! You have a man that you are in love with. Bad. No. You will not. I told myself as I blocked away every thought I had of Jay, keeping the negative ones.

Jay was not to be trusted, he was a stranger that claimed to be a speedster that lost his powers. I couldn't access his thoughts, maybe he was hiding something.

Everyone dispersed towards the clear glass, where Professor Stein started to tell us about the Multiverse, different earths etc.

It was all pretty confusing.

Joe left, and Caitlin came back to say Jay didn't have the Speed Force in his system.

"Red flag number 2." I said as everyone frowned at me. "I can't read his thoughts. I tried really hard and almost gave myself a damn headache." I whispered as we all turned to Jay, who was tapping his fingers on his knees.

"Well. He passed the lie detector test." Caitlin informed as I frowned.

"What if he's not a good guy? What if he wants to know our weaknesses?" Barry asked as I nodded in agreement. I had talked to Jay on the train, and now suddenly he claimed to have been watching me and my friends for six months, a speedster who came from another earth.

I shouldn't trust him. So I can't get close to him. Guard yourself. Don't let him get close.

"I'm going to go talk to him." Barry said with a serious expression.

"I need to get to work. I'll see you guys later." I said before given Jay a suspicious look before leaving to CCPN.


"Take care of my mom, okay? She's a handful." I said with a laugh as I hung up my phone, setting it on my desk as I let out a long sigh.

I was so close to finishing the newest story for the newspaper. Granted, the anomaly that happened six months ago wasn't anything new, the stores and building that were starting to be cleaned up certainly were.

"Just one more paragraph. . ." I muttered as I typed quickly, a relieved sigh escaping me as I finally finished the article, printing it quickly.

I almost instantly bumped into Linda Park, a girl that had tried to hit on Barry a while back while we were an item. We're we an item at the time?

"Oh! Sorry Linda. Didn't see you there." I said with a chuckle as Linda apologized.

"Anyway, have you seen Iris? She told me that she needed to talk to me about something." Linda said as I frowned, trying to hide the fact I was trying to read her mind.

"I swear if Iris is trying to get me to talk about Barry and I again I'll throw something hard." Her thoughts said as my eyes widened.

"Oh uh. . . Nope, haven't seen her. Maybe she's in the alleyway trying to tell the difference between her outfit and the trash cans." I said with a cold look as Linda looked at me.

"You guys still aren't on good terms?" Linda asked as I folded my paper, shaking my head.

"Nope. After she tried to get with Barry while I was gone, we haven't seen. . . Eye-to-eye." I said with a scoff. "Excuse me one moment. I need to turn in this." I said before gently pushing my way past Linda.

To be honest, the mere mention of Barry's best friend made my blood boil. I never saw Iris as a girl who would try and get in the pants of someone who had a girlfriend. Especially after almost just losing someone they loved.

But you never do truly know someone.

I sighed as I set the newspaper on my boss's desk, not really caring if it would get lost or not at this point as I exited CCPN without a simple wave of my hand.

I needed to go to S.T.A.R. Labs, hopefully there Iris wouldn't be mentioned.

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 (𝟮) Where stories live. Discover now