Chapter Eight

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I sat inside S.T.A.R. Labs, the lights dim as the night sky shone through the small windows in the Cortex. I spun in my chair, hoping to get some entertainment tonight.

Ever since I got back, I haven't talked much. Sure, it had been a three days, but I couldn't be silent forever. Everyone had to figure out sooner or later that I managed to lose my powers.

The problem is, I couldn't explain to them how, because even I didn't know.

Barry had taken Iris back to her apartment after she very dumbly risked her life to get 'a good news story' so now I sat here in the Cortex alone.

I was somewhat surprised to see Cisco wasn't here, as I assumed that he lived in S.T.A.R. Labs since he never seemed to leave this place.


"Are you sure we can't name it, Caitlin?" I asked as we all stood in front of a giant breach in the basement of STAR Labs.

"We aren't naming it, Cora! It isn't a pet!" Caitlin snapped as I frowned, leaning towards Cisco.

"Let's name it BuckBeak." I said with a grin as Cisco turned to me.

"I know you did not just name this thing after the hypogriff in Harry Potter." Cisco said as I shrugged.

"Just did. You can't change its name." I said as I walked over to Barry, whose hand quickly snaked around my waist as he placed a kiss on my head.

"It's a wormhole. Quite dangerous." Everyone turned to see Professor Stein walk in with a cane.

"Professor Stein what are you doing?! Your blood pressure did 147 over 82! You could pass out again." Caitlin said frantically as she walked up to him.

"Oh, it's merely a few points above the 140 average for someone my age. Besides, I have some ideas I would like to contribute to this discussion, Dr. Snow." Stein said as I frowned in concern at the Professor.

"Well, I would like to hear them." I said as Stein chuckled quietly.

"This isn't just a wormhole. It's my way home. Back to Earth Two." Jay said as I shot a very quick glare at him, one I hoped no one had noticed.

Jay had started to gain Barry's trust, but I was still very hesitant about Jay. I got a bad vibe from him. Maybe if Caitlin or anyone else I had known for longer than a few weeks had chased after me, I wouldn't have lost my powers because I would have listened to them.

But at the same time, I was happy I ran away. My anger towards everything had disappeared, and I no longer felt like I was turning into she-hulk.

Out of nowhere I was knocked off my feet, grunting as I collapsed to the ground, Barry ontop of me.

"O-ow." I groaned as I stared up at the ceiling, making a "urrrrggggg" noise.

Barry quickly got off of me, helping me up as I blinked repeatedly.

"Y'know, I was expecting to get sweeped off my feet by you romantically. Not literally." I said as Barry chuckled awkwardly.

"Sorry Cora." He muttered before kissing my cheek.
"Guess I'm not fast enough to get into the breach."

"I don't believe your speed is the entirety of the issue, Barry. It might be the breach's stability or lack thereof. He's right. We need to think of the breach as a door, and on Earth Two, there's another door. In between, we have a hallway, but the hallway's constantly shifting, twisting, collapsing upon itself. And the doors keep moving with it." Professor Stein said as Barry nodded.

"So we stabilize the door-" Barry started

"We stabilize the hallway." I finished as Professor Stein nodded.

"And then I can jump through it." Barry said as Cisco nodded.

"It would serve as some type of cannon." I said as Stein smirked.

"A speed cannon!" He said as Cisco and I looked at him.

"We should al hang out more." Cisco insisted as I nodded, Stein chuckling.

"All right. No more tests today. All of you are leaving now, as am I." Professor Stein said as he slowly made his way up the stairs. "Cherish the gift of youth
as I will go cherish my much needed nap." He said as I scoffed in agreement.

"Amen to that, Stein. Im craving Hot Chocolate." I said as Barry chuckled.

"Off to Jitters!" I said with a smile as Caitlin and Cisco raised their hands.

We all walked in CC Jitters together, Barry and I hand in hand as Caitlin and Cisco took to finding chairs.

"Welcome to Jitters what can I do for you?" The barista asked as I looked up at the menu, frowning when I saw something new.

"I guess I'll have a Flash." I suggested as Barry turned to me, raising a brow before he ordered the same for Caitlin Cisco and him.

After we got our drinks, we turned around, nearly bumping into a blonde.

"Woah! Hey! The Flash!" She said as my eyes widened, as did Barry's.

"W-what?" He asked as the girl pointed at the drinks.

"The drinks that they're serving today. They're called "The Flash." A brewed coffee with an extra shot of espresso to keep you running all day. But you should maybe just, you know, have one of those." The girl said as Barry let out a nervous yet relieved laugh.

"Right. Oh! Cora this is Patty, a new officer at CCPD. Patty this is Cora my... Girlfriend." Barry said as I smiled at Patty, shaking her hand as she did hesitantly.

"Oh. I Uh- didn't realize you have a girlfriend." Patty said as she chuckled awkwardly. I raised a brow at her for a moment before whispering to Barry that I would be sitting with Cisco and Caitlin.

"Alright, four Flash's. Careful, I heard they're super caffeinated." Barry said as he handed Caitlin and Cisco their drinks, Cisco with two.

I sipped on my drink, my eyes widening as I pulled back. "Woah! That's a lotta espresso." I said as I winced before sipping again. "Shit this is good!" I continued to almost inhale my drink as everyone stared at me.

Caitlin got up to call Stein, a call that honestly none of us saw going well as Cisco stood up, bumping into someone I really wished I'd never see again.

"Lisa Snart." Cisco and I said in unison. I regret inhaling that drink, because now I feel like I could run a marathon faster than Barry while fighting a tiger.

"You here to double-cross us again, or are you and your big bro holding up coffee shops now?" Cisco asked as Lisa looked down before over at me then back at Cisco.

"I need your help." Lisa said as I snorted, standing up as Barry did.

"Pfft. Yeah okay." I said quietly as Cisco threatened to call Barry, causing me to kick his shin.

"I need his help too." Lisa said as we all frowned.

"And why is that?" I asked, crossing my arms as Lisa turned to me.

"My brother has been kidnapped."

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