Chapter 34

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Two Days Ago...

"Daisy I um... I need a favor from you." Iris said as I turned to look at her. The look on her face told me it was serious, so I guess it worried me a little.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked with a small smile as she rubbed her hands together, looking down at her shoes for a moment.

"My uh... My mom. She-she doesn't have much time left and honestly... I don't know if I can say goodbye on my own." Iris informed as I crossed my arms, nodding slowly. "Can-Can you come with?"

"Y-yeah. Yeah of course, Iris. Are we leaving now?" I asked as she nodded. Grabbing my coat, we walked out of CCPN, the place I still had yet to quit my job from. Maybe that's why my name wasn't on the by-line. Because I quit and went back to working at CCPD.

"So  Iris... I'm thinking about quitting my job at CCPN and going back to work at CCPD. What do you think?" I said as she turned to me, shrugging.

"Well... It's always nice to see you when you do show up to work." She admitted with a small chuckle. "But I always thought you and Barry worked great together. And I kind of miss working on the Flash..." She said, giving me a side eye as I chuckled and sucked in a cold breath.

"Yeah. I did end up taking that from you... I guess journalism wasn't my thing. I've always been interested in Barry's line of work." I said as Iris nodded, walking into the Hospital.

"Hello. What can I do for you ladies?" The nurse at the front desk asked as as Iris let out a shaky breath.

"H-Hi um... We're here to see Francine West." Iris said as the nurse smiled and nodded, giving us visitor passes.

"Room 1334 A." She answered as Iris and I nodded, making out way to the elevator.

"You nervous?" I asked quietly as she nodded quickly.

"I didn't think I'd ever be saying goodbye to my mom, Daisy. I never said goodbye to her when she first left..." Iris admitted as I nodded slowly, the elevator doors opening as we started our search for Francine's room.

"To be honest, I thought the nurse would say 'family only!' or something rude like that." I said with a small chuckle as Iris chuckled quietly as well. At least I got a chuckle out of her. It released some tension.

"Oh... Iris I found it." I said as Iris stopped walking and turned to me, looking at the closed door with a large square window looking into the room. I could practically feel Iris' body tension change. She grew more nervous with each step she took towards me and the door. 

"You don't have to do it if you aren't comfortable, Iris." I said and gently took her hand in mine. She shook her head quickly, taking in a breath.

"No. No. Me and my mom need to have... Closure. I need to apologize for the way I acted towards her when she came back." Iris said as she raised her hand to the door, hesitating before knocking gently.

A weak 'come in' came from the other side, Iris opening the door slowly. "Iris..." Francine said with a very weak smile as we both walked in. "You brought a visitor." She said, coughing dryly as iris and I sat next to one another.

"Um... Francine this is Daisy." Iris said as I smiled awkwardly. Francine looked at me for a moment before a small face of realization hit her.

"This is the girl you were telling me about?" Francine said with a joking look as Iris' eyes widened. 

"So I guess I'm a hot topic in this room?" I joked with a small chuckle as Iris turned to me, smiling awkwardly.

"Iris was talking about you and Barry the last time she visited..." Francine said before coughing. "You three have been friends for a long time..." She continued as I pressed my lips together and nodded.

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