Chapter Nine

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"How are we supposed to believe that you saw your brother, Captain Cold, get kidnapped?" I asked as Lisa frowned at me, taking a single step closer, which caused a headache to form, but I quickly subsided it.

"You've trusted me before, have you?" She asked with a small smirk as I scoffed.

"When I was a freshman in high-school." I shot as Lisa frowned again, huffing as she looked to Barry.

"Last night, Lenny, me, and Mick were knocking over the cashier's cage at Central City Racetrack." Lisa started as Cisco stopped her.

"Does it physically pain your family not to rob people?" He asked as Lisa glared at him.

"After Mick torched through the side entrance, I looked back for Lenny and saw him getting thrown into the back of a van." Lisa said as she turned to me, expecting me to believe her.

"Read my mind if you have to, I'm telling the truth." Lisa said as my eyes widened, everyone now looking at me.

"Right..." I said quietly as I looked at Lisa, pretending to read her mind.

What if I give them false information? What if I say she's telling the truth when she isn't? That will look bad,

"Yeah.. she's um... telling the tru- bucket." I said quickly as my hand stretched out.

"Bucket?" Caitlin asked as I nodded quickly, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach when Lisa stepped closer. "Oh you're gonna be sick." Caitlin said as Cisco started searching for something for me to vomit my insides out into.

"Lisa step back." I ordered as she raised her hands up, taking a few steps away from me. The sickness in my stomach suddenly disappeared when she was slightly out of range, and as Cisco gave me a bucket, I no longer felt sick.

"Bomb." I said after Caitlin asked me what was wrong. "I-I know this is gonna sound, really fucking weird, but remember how I couldn't be near Bette when we found her?" I asked as everyone nodded.

"Well, I get insanely sick when I'm around concoctions that can explode. Wether it's made of a different material or not. Actually i, it's how I was able to save a bakery from a bombing a few years ago." I said with a small laugh as everyone's heads turned to Lisa, who looked confused.

"Do you have a bomb on you?!" Barry asked as Lisa shook her head quickly.

"Check her body for anything." I suggested as they Cisco and Caitlin brought Lisa to a table, while Barry led me out of the cortex for a moment.

"Hey so, I was wondering since you know, we've been together for a while and we've gone out on a real date..." Barry said as my eyes practically lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen. Are you asking me out on a date?" I asked as I jokingly pushed his shoulder as he chuckled nervously, blushing redder than his suit.

"I already set up reservations so you kinda can't say no." Barry said as I gave him a 'seriously?' Look as I wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands instinctively going to my waist.

"Now show can I saw no to you?" I said with a smile as Barry laughed, pulling me into a small kiss that was cut short by Caitlin calling for us.

As we entered the Cortex again, the look on Caitlin and Cisco's face showed that something was clearly wrong.

"I got a ping that Snart's cold gun is at 5th and Hoyt. Better hurry, Barry." Cisco said as I quickly kissed Barry's cheek before taking the detector from Caitlin, pushing back the sick feeling I had to search Lisa for any bomb shrapnel,

"Cora, I don't think it's safe for you to be near Lisa at the moment." Caitlin said as I shook my head.

"I need the distraction. Besides, I think better when I'm working. I need to think about what I'm going to wear tonight." I said as Caitlin frowned.

"What's going on?" Caitlin asked as I smiled.

"Barry asked me out on a date."

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm kinda tired atm and just felt like adding to the book at 5 minutes till 4AM

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 (𝟮) Where stories live. Discover now