Chapter Thirty-Three

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Traced that during my break from writing this :)

"We cannot afford to waste anymore time." Harrison said as I swayed back and forth in my swivel chair, sipping on my cherry slushee just like Cisco was as I frowned at him.

"We've barely wasted time at all, Harry. Mainly because you've been pushing us to work our asses off. Wait, let me rephrase that... you've been shoving us down the stairs to go faster and work harder." I retorted as Cisco nodded in agreement, both of us slurping our slushees in unison.

"I don't know what you two have been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom." Jay said as I scoffed quietly.

"Oh I see, you haven't had your coffee this morning." Cisco joked as he slurped the slushee again.

"I had my coffee this morning. Don't slurp." Harry said in annoyance as Cisco and I looked at one another, slurping obnoxiously as Harry's face went dead straight. "Don't. Don't." slurp "Don't." Extended slurp. "It amazes me how the two of you got a job here." Harry said bluntly as I smiled and shrugged, the computer starting to chime.

"Finally. I've been waiting all week for something to happen." I said with a hum as I set my slushee down and rolling forward to the computers.

"Oh this sounds interesting. Runaway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester. You got this Barry?" I asked as he nodded, zipping in and out of the Cortex.

"Hey Cisco, I need to show you something." I said, standing up as Caitlin made a small "oh" noise and followed me and Cisco into the med room.

"I've been working on some glasses/goggles for you so you that resemble what we used when we found out Wells was... the Reverse Flash." I said as I looked on for a moment, recalling the memory before shaking my head. "Anyways, here. I added a wavelength trigger to stimulate the fear receptors in your brain. Then I took what you already had to induce slow-wave sleep, upgraded it to get you to stage-four sleep." I said with a smile as Cisco took the glasses.

"Didn't know you knew how to do that." Cisco said as I clasped my hands together and shrugged.

"Well I bet you didn't know that I'm also a Ravenclaw, but we don't know everything do we?" I said with a small smile as Caitlin and Cisco frowned.

"You're a Ravenclaw?" Caitlin asked as I nodded.

"Thought you'd be a Hufflepuff." Cisco muttered as I crossed my arms and frowned. "Anyway, what am I supposed to see?" He asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know, I've never tried this before." I responded as he huffed, slowly putting on the glasses. "We need to find Eobard. So uh... think of him... or something." I said looking to Caitlin and shrugging.

"Oh-ho-ho, yeah man. I'm in full on vibe-mode right now." Cisco said as I smiled in triumph.

"What do you see?" Caitlin asked as I guided Cisco to a chair.

"I-I don't know it's hard to explain. It's different events. Different events in time." He explained as I knelt beside him.

"Just concentrate on the Reverse Flash." I said as he nodded.

"Okay. I see him. Now what?" Cisco asked as Barry zoomed in, now in his normal clothes, looking at us with confusion.

"Picture him with Christina McGee." I said as Cisco nodded slowly.

"Woah... where the hell am I? Guys- NO!" Cisco yelled before ripping off the glasses, scaring me into standing up.

"Cisco what's wrong?" Caitlin asked as Barry looked at me, raising a brow.

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