Chapter Thirty

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I think I've been in FlashTime for a few minutes in fear of dying. Is it possible to get Barry?

I reached for my phone, still questioning how I wasn't falling as I dialed his number. Would he be paused or would he be questioning how time stopped?

"Daisy what's going-?"

"OH THANK GOD HELP" I yelled before he could finish his sentence. "I DONT KNOW HOW BUT I STOPPED TIME BEFORE I COULD FALL TO MY DEATH. ZOOM PUSHED ME OFF A BUILDING ON WEST AND 4TH." I continued to yell from fear.

I could hear the sudden panic in Barry's voice as he stuttered. "I-I'll be there!" I heard the whoosh of him running on his phone as I started time again, my heart plummeting with me as I felt arms wrapped around my waist and take me to the ground safely before being hugged tightly.

Was Barry... shaking?

"Barry! Barry I'm fine. I swear-"

"No! You aren't you almost died! I-Zoom almost killed you and you are saying you're fine? I-I don't know what I would have done if you died, Daisy..." Barry said as I felt a blush creep up into my cheeks.

I held Barry's head in my hands as I stood on my toes to kiss his forehead, then his lips. "I'm fine, Barry. Yeah, I probably scared you by yelling I was falling to my death but, I swear I'm fine now." I continued to reassure Barry as I hugged him tightly. "Let's just... go home..."

Barry nodded, both of us dashing off back to Joe's.

Standing in my pajamas now, I realized that tonight would probably be the first night I slept well since Christmas.

Practically jumping into his arms, Barry and I's legs tangled together in a cuddle I didn't know I needed until it happened.


"Okay. So, we have Turtle locked in the pipeline. And Turtle has used his powers to stop Barry from using his speed. So that means, we can use his powers to figure out how to stop Zoom, and get your daughter back." I said, pointing to Harry as he nodded.

"That's gonna be a little difficult." Cisco said as we turned around to see him walk into the cortex.

"What? How?" Caitlin asked as he looked over at her.

"Because the Turtle is dead."


"He better not be playing a Juliet." I said as everyone turned and raised their brows at me. "What? I see plays too."

"He's dead, Daisy." Barry said as we all looked at Turtles body. "But how..."

"Preliminary brain scan shows an acute brain aneurysm." Caitlin said as as I frowned.

"The night we captured him. How's that for timing?" Jay said, eyeing Harry.

"What, you think he did this, Jay?" I said with a glare as he frowned at me.

"This man is the key to us stopping Zoom, the key to us saving his daughter. Why would he kill him?" I asked as Jay shrugged. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, kneeling down close to the Turtle and titled my head, scanning his body for anything unusual, only to find nothing.

"I've got to go to CCPD." Barry said as I stood up, turning to him as he smiled at me, sending him one back as I nodded.

"I should probably head to CCPN before I get fired, or a warning... or both.." I said as Barry and I walked out of the pipeline before we both dashed off to our day jobs that didn't feel like day jobs.


"Every-time you think that Wells is on your team... he does something to fuck up your trust." I said to Iris as she scoffed and nodded.

"Yeah. But what about Jay? He's kinda h-"

"If you say hot I will shove my hand through your heart." I said as she raised her hands in defense.

"I'm just saying! He's kinda attractive don't you think?" She said as I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, clearing my throat.

"If I said that, then Barry would start thinking I have a thing for Jay. And I absolutely do not. I don't trust him at all. I mean, we've known him for months, and he's barely opened up to anyone but Caitlin." I said as Iris 'oooed.'

Rolling my eyes, I started to think now was time to think about who Jay's doppelgänger is. A smirk crossed my face, Iris immediately getting a bad thought about it.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I shrugged, starting to type into my computer.

"Nothing. Just starting to dig deeper into Jay's doppelgänger. Who knows, maybe his doppelgänger is a crazed serial killer." I said as Iris rolled her eyes.

"I highly doubt that, Daisy." Iris argued as I shrugged again.

"You never know." I said as Iris chuckled and went to her desk in front of mine as I leaned forward. Now that I had super speed- I could hack faster, not to mention read things 100x faster. Which also means that I learned things faster.

One of those things that I just learned well... let's just say it took a turn on a few things.

"Iris. You'll never believe this." I said as Iris spun in her chair, now facing me as I looked over my computer.

"What did you find? Is Jay Garrick a crazed serial killer on our Earth?" She asked as I grinned from ear to ear, shaking my head.

"No, but it might help you see that we can't trust Earth-2 Jay."

"And why is that?" Iris asked as she titled her head and raised a brow.

"Because Iris... Jay Garrick..." I shook my head.

"He doesn't exist on Earth-1."

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