Chapter 45

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Jay's death took a toll on Caitlin. On all of us.

I tried to keep my head held high and act like I was okay. But the weeks before Jay's death, he and I had actually become friends. I actually trusted him. But until I had watched him die... I actually believed he was Zoom.

I really hated my trust issues. I guess I could thank Eobard for that.

It finally hit Barry last night that Jay was gone, and now he's running... more than usual.

But I do to. I run to try and keep my mind off of Jay. Off of Zoom and what he has planned for Earth-2. I mean, I'm safe here now. I hope.

I sat on the floor with my head rested on Barry's shoulder, listening to Wally's victorious cheers. I wasn't paying attention to what anyone was saying until I declined the next turn, saying goodbye to Wally and watching him leave.

I had talked to him only a few times since he come into our lives, mainly because I didn't want to get attached to him. I mean, something always happens to the people I like.

Barry nudged my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You ready for bed?" He asked as I looked at Iris and Joe before nodding.

"Yeah, sure. Uh... goodnight, guys." I smiled to the two others in the room, to which they repeated "goodnight" and I followed Barry upstairs.

I slipped off my shirt, grabbing one of Barry's shirts and putting it on, u clipping my strapless bra as I looked at Barry in the mirror. I frowned when J noticed the look on his face was filled with thoughts.

"You okay, Bar? You look like you're out of place." I asked, turning around as he looked at me.

"Um... I'm fine. Just tired, I guess." I crawled onto the bed, sitting on my legs and furrowing my brows.

"Barry, seriously. You've been acting so different since you got back from Earth-2... what happened?" Barry shook his head slightly before he sighed, finally caving in.

"Can you promise me one thing... that you won't change?" He asked as I raised a brow in curiosity.

"Dude, what happened on Earth-2?" I asked as he chuckled.

"'Dude?'" He grinned as I rolled my eyes.

"Just tell me. What? Did you meet my doppelgänger?" The look on Barry's eyes gave away the answer, and I grinned with joy. "Seriously?! What was I like? Did I still have my speed? Oh! Was my suit cool? Did I have a cheesy catch phrase—"

"You were evil, Daisy." Barry blurted out as I stopped, reeling back slightly in shock. I scoffed in disbelief, my hands falling into my lap.

"I— what?" I asked, tilting my head.

"And you died... I—I watched Zoom kill you." Tears started to build up in Barry's eyes as he sucked in a breath. "I just— I hated that you were evil... looking at you with that expression on your face... knowing it wasn't you but it was so close to being you... I..."

I cupped Barry's face in my hands as I forced a chuckle. "Hey, Bar. I'm not evil, okay? ... I mean yeah... I've had my moments where I was close but... I would never become the villain. I'd never want to be your enemy." I told him, tears of my own forming in my eyes as I stared into his.

"You promise?" Barry whispered as I nodded, pulling him into a quick kiss.

"Cross my heart.. and hope to die."

Barry had promised himself he wouldn't tell me what happened on Earth-2, I knew that. But after seeing how he takes about my doppelgänger, my evil half.. It had even taken a toll on me.

No one who went to Earth-2 ever talked about it. Sometimes I questioned what they saw other than me dying. Maybe they saw Caitlin's doppelgänger, maybe even Iris'. I wondered what she was like. Maybe slightly better.

Barry and I tried to cope with Jay's death by waiting for another meta-human to come and try to destroy Central City.

And we didn't have to wait long.

guess who decided to restart this book! sorry this chapter is so short but i'm sure y'all don't mind since i finally updated it.

I'm decided to skip a few episodes of the show since i lost motivation from doing ever episode last year... it's been a while since i updated this

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