Chapter Twenty

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So. The man that I just pushed off a balcony ISN'T dead. Almost everyone knows I'm a speedster now. Kendra now knows Cisco is a meta-human. Thea's dad is in town. The man that is after Kendra, Vandal Savage, is an immortal psycho.

And Kendra was just bird-napped.

"Cisco slow down. What happened?" I asked as he started ranting about how he and Kendra were talking on the roof, and then she was suddenly swept off said roof by a man with wings.

"Got them! 57th Street tower." Felicity said to Barry and Oliver, who were out searching for Kendra.

"Barry. Change of venue. Birdman and Oliver are now on 54th and Motor now... Hurry!" Felicity said after a few short seconds.

"That was fast." I said quietly as I could almost hear Cisco's racing heart, which was probably beating faster than mine. "Cisco. Calm down we will get Kendra back from this... Hawkguy." I said with a silent rain of victory in my head from the name.

"You know. I would say I'm angry that I let her get bird-napped, but that's a good name." Cisco said as I smiled and shrugged.

"What can I say? They just come to me." I said with a confident and cheeky grin as Cisco bit his nails nervously as my phone rang. "Hello?" I said quietly, hearing a panicked Caitlin on the other end.

"Patty shot Harrison!" Caitlin said quickly as my eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" I yelled. Granted, I didn't trust Harrison, but we needed him more than we thought, I knew that. What was Patty doing at S.T.A.R. Labs anyway?

"She was going to arrest him and then.. Well she shot him." Caitlin informed me as I nodded slowly.

"Okay. Caitlin I need you to listen to me carefully." I can't believe I'm doing this. "I need you to get Patty out of S.T.A.R. Labs. Now." I ordered as I heard Caitlin usher Patty out of the laboratory.

"Well now what?" She said, turning on her speaker as she got Harry situated in the med bay.

"I need you to call Joe, tell him I'll meet you at S.T.A.R. Labs in... 10 seconds?" I said as everyone was now looking at me in confusion.

"Um.. Okay. I'll see you." Caitlin said before the call went dead. I looked at my phone before turning to everyone.

"Harry. He was shot by Patty. I gotta go help Caitlin. Tell Barry I left. And tell me how everything goes." I said quickly before waving everyone goodbye and sprinting out at the fastest speed I've ever gone since I got my powers.

My face was no doubt going to get windburn, I think I can smell burning rubb-

"oh no." I said to myself as I continued to run back to Central City. Looking down for a quick moment, I could see my shoes smoking from the high speeds.

I skidded into the Cortex, a yelp escaping Caitlin before her eyes widened. "Cora! You're-"

"A speedster yeah. Not the time to explain. How's Harry?" I said as I ran into med bay to see Harry on the stretcher, a white pad over his bleeding wound.

"He's losing oxygen." Caitlin informed me as Joe ran in, a frown crossing his face when he saw me.

"How did you-" Before he finished his sentence, I raised my hand, Joe watching in amazement as it moved so fast it was just a blur. "Is everyone in this city a speedster all of a sudden?"

"Seems like it." I said without a chuckle as now was no the time to laugh.

"There's a bullet in a branch of his pulmonary artery that's blocking off most of the blood flow from the left lung." Caitlin said as I looked at Harry.

"Can you remove the bullet?" I asked Caitlin as she looked at me with eyes that told me she couldn't.

"We need Jay's he-"

"No." I said quickly. "I can save harry if I try and faze through his chest and get the heart. Barry's taught me to hundreds of times." I said as Caitlin's eyes widened in wariness.

Suddenly, the monitor started to beep "His systolic pressure's dropping. He's gonna code." Caitlin said as my eyes widened, I needed to do this now. I gave both of them a somewhat confident look, before raising my hand up slowly as it began to move again at a fast pace.

Cautiously, I lowered my hand to Harry's chest, stopping centimeters away from it before shoving my hand through it. Well, it was more of a push. "This feels weird." I said to myself quietly as I felt the bullet, grabbing it and yoinking my hand out of his chest. 

I handed the bullet to Caitlin as Harry's monitor returned to normal, my eyes catching sight of a strange needle gun thing. "What's that?" I asked Caitlin as she turned her head quickly, grabbing it and hiding it behind her back.

"What's what?" She said as I frowned at her, using my speed to snatch the gun from her hand.

"This, Caitlin. What is it?" I asked as she frowned.

"Velocity-6." I turned my head to see Jay walking into the Cortex. "A dangerous drug for speedsters like me and Barry."

"A speed drug?" I asked with a raise of my brow as I looked at Caitlin. "We can use this to defeat Zoom. Barry can-"

"Die if he uses it." Jay said, cutting me off. "I used that drug before back on my earth to try and defeat Zoom."

"Jay started experiencing cellular degeneration the more he took Velocity-6." Caitlin said slowly as I turned to Jay.

"It's why we can't let Barry use it. The drug will kill him." Jay said as I looked at the needle gun.

"Like it's killing you." I said quietly as Jay nodded slowly. I handed the gun to Caitlin, who took it as Joe had just stood there awkwardly and quietly. So quiet I forgot he was there.

"How did you get here so quickly, Cora? I thought you went to Star City?" Jay said as I stopped my eyes from widening.

"Took a fast train here this morning. I need to call Barry about news on Kendra. I'll be back." I said quickly as I walked out of the Cortex. I frowned when it went to voicemail.

"Hey Barry. It's Cora... Just wanting to tell you that I got to Harry in time.. He'll be fine. To be honest I paused before taking the bullet out, questioning if he was like Thawne... But I think we can trust him even though I know he's hiding something... I still don't know about Jay... Anyways, I hope you're safe. Get back to me when you can.. I love you, Bar." I hung up as I heard Caitlin call me back into the Cortex.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I walked back into the med bay to see Caitlin holding something in her hands. "Whatcha got there?"

"I um.. I think you'll want to see this..." Caitlin muttered as I frowned, taking the photo that was in her hand. I gave Caitlin a weird look before looking down at the photo.

In it, Harry sat with a wide smile on his face, holding a young girl around 6 years old in his arms, a girl around 15 standing next to him wearing a cap and gown. But that wasn't what shocked me the most was him having two kids.

It was that one of them was me.

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