Chapter Twenty-Six

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8 Hours Later

"Central City Museum is hosting a special black tie event tonight showcasing 'The Crystal Ball.' It's a famous painting, apparently, recently recovered from Markovia." Cisco said as I nodded slowly while listening. Maybe now wasn't the best time to be here, considering I was supposed to be at the precinct being interrogated, but it could wait.

"The painting is on loan to the museum from the Silverberg family. Jacob Silverberg himself said, 'The painting's safe return means more to us than all the money in the world.'" Caitlin said as I scoffed.

"They're practically begging the Turtle to steal it." I said as Cisco chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"So the Turtle will make his move, and we can be there waiting to take him down." Barry said as he turned to Jay. "How do you look in a tux?" He asked as Cisco chuckled.

"Come on, Barry. He's 6'2, square jawed, and jacked. I think he looks fine." Cisco said as Caitlin nodded.

"I'm 6'4." Jay corrected as Cisco hissed as Barry pulled me away.

"What's up?" I asked, trying my best to hide the fact I still felt bad.

"So, I know I said 'let's have dinner' and all, but well-"

"Barry, if you ask me to go to this with you, I will slap you." I said as he chuckled nervously. "I didn't even think you were going to ask. Thought it would be a telepathic asking thing where I didn't have to say anything because I'm going." Did I just confuse myself? Probably.

"Oh. Right." He said with another chuckle before we walked back over to the group.


I quickly slipped into my silk dress, pulling my hair up into a bun as I slipped on my heels as well, Barry walking in in a tux, stopping when I stood up and fixed my dress.

"wow.." I heard him whisper, a blush rising to my cheeks as I smiled. "You uh- you look.. amazing." Barry stuttered as I chuckled quietly, walking up to him.

"And you look perfect." I said, giving him a small kiss as he smiled, his hands on my waist. "You ready?" I asked as he nodded, both of us walking down as J heard Iris squeal.

"Oh my god Daisy! You look amazing!" She said as I smiled, holding Barry's hand in mine as Joe looked at the two of us in awe.

"You two looks so cute together!" Iris complimented as I hummed a 'thank you.'

"We should really get going." I said as Iris stopped us, grabbing her phone.

"I WANT PICTURES!" She yelled as me and Barry's eyes widened before both of us started to laugh from it. "That's literally the most perfect picture I have ever gotten of you two." Iris said as Barry wrapped his arm around my waist as I side hugged him, smiling brightly as Iris continued to snap pictures.

"Iris come in you've taken 20 pictures, we need to go." Barry said as Iris groaned.

"Fine. You two be safe."

"Okay, mom." I said with a chuckle as Iris rolled her eyes, hugging me before we left.

"I'm not sure if I can run in heels." I said as Barry chuckled, picking me up and running us to the Museum.

"Barry! My hair!" I complained as I fixed my hair, Barry chuckling.

"You still look beautiful if it makes you feel better." He said with a kiss on my cheek as I huffed, crossing my arms.

"It kinda does." I muttered as we walked in, arm in arm as we stuck our mini earbuds in.

"Alright, keep your eyes out for the Turtle." Cisco said as he sighed. "A sentence I never thought I'd say." He said as I spotted Patty with one of the officers, dancing and laughing with the music.

"Cisco, Are you and Harry in position?" Barry asked as I looked around, craning my neck up to see Harry standing around awkwardly.

"I'm the security feed." Cisco answered as I chuckled, rolling my eyes as Barry and I walked deeper into the Museum.

"I've got the facial recognition software running, so we'll be able to spot Turtle before he makes his move." Cisco said as Harry scoffed.

"Turtle. Why do you insist on making these ridiculous names?" Harry asked as I rolled my eyes.

"Whose the genius that came up with Zoom?" I asked as Cisco 'oooed.'

Harry went into detail about how zoom got his name, a frown on my face the entire time before I looked up to Barry. "You have a strange look on your face." I said as he looked down at me and frowned.

"Do I look weird?" He asked while starting to fix his tux, a laugh escaping me, shaking my head.

"No. No you look.. I don't know like a dream." I said as he stopped, raising a brow at me.

"A dream?" He repeated as I nodded.

"A very handsome dream." I said with a wink as he chuckled before his face fell.

"Daisy, I need to tell you something about the dreams I've been having.." Barry started as I turned to him.

"What about them?" I asked as he sighed, looking into my eyes.

"For the past few nights, I've been having dreams about Zoom-"

"We've got eyes on the Turtle!" Cisco interrupted as I spun around to see him standing a few feet away from me and Barry, guns aimed at him. Both Barry and I were in and out of our dress and tux, now in our suits.

Hones, it's the first time I've worn this suit, and it fit me very well. "Oh look! A lady speedster!" The Turtle said with a laugh as I titled my head. "What shall I call you and your buddy the Flash here?"

"Velocity." I answered bluntly as people scrambled out of the museum. "Now turn yourself over to the police.

"CCPD! Freeze!" A cop yelled as the Turtle laughed. Everything went into chaos in seconds. People scrambled to get out of the museum as Bullets stopped mid-air. Barry and I started to run at the Turtle, only to be slowed down.

A chandelier snapped out of nowhere, and I seemed to be the only one to notice as it started to fall right about Patty.

"Look out!" I yelled as I speed over, shoving party out of the way , right as the chandelier collapsed on top of me, and everything went dark.


I groaned louder than I intended to, slowly opening my eyes as I heard several sighs of relief. "Oh thank god." I heard Cisco say as someone sat down.

"Daisy, you have 15 fractures in your body from the chandelier collapsing onto of you." Caitlin said as I blinked, seeing my leg was dangling in the air, as well as both of my arms casted.

"Well. Better than dead." I said with a groan. "How long have I been out?"

"An hour." Barry answered quickly.

"Is Patty okay?" I asked as Cisco smiled.

"No thanks to you, Velocity." Cisco said with the widest grin he could muster. I chuckled quietly, sighing.

"You could have died." Barry said as I turned to him, frowning.

"Barry, I wasn't going to let another person die when they could have been saved." I answered as he sighed, bending down to kiss my forehead.

"Don't do it again." He said as I scoffed.

"Barry, I'm supposed to risk my life to save others. Because that's what heroes do." I said as Cisco made an inhale/exhale noise, pointing at me. "Yes I quoted Marvel, Cisco. What are you going to do about it?"

"Nothing. Just glad you're okay." Cisco said as he slowly sat down.

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 (𝟮) Where stories live. Discover now