Chapter 37: The Cross-Over Part 2

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A Few Hours Later...

Barry ran back into the basement of S.T.A.R. Labs after successfully closing all the breaches except for the one in front of us.

"Woah that was really fast for you Bar." I said as he grinned.

"Think I did pretty good for a guy who got a C in gym." Barry said as Caitlin chuckled.

"D plus." She said, trying to win the fight.

"Straight up F right here." Cisco and I said in unison as we fist bumped our terrible victory.

"You guys got grades in gym? My teacher didn't bother with me." Felicity said as she walked down the steps, Jay following slowly after. Cisco and I now frowned at our defeat.

Felicity was going to help Cisco use his powers to open a breach from our Earth to Harry and Jay's earth so we could save Jesse, but Cisco has still been struggling with it.

"I have only passed through the multi-verse two or three times, each time I had to make sure I didn't come in contact with my doppleganger. You are about to pass through what i would say is a looking glass. You are going to see and feel things that are familiar, but they aren't. Up is down. Black is white. It is so important that you do not interfere with your dopplegangers life. You will get attached way to fast because while they may look like your family... they aren't." Felicity said to Barry and Cisco as they nodded. "You fuck with their life? Bad Things. Happen." 

"Got it. Don't mess with the dopplegangers." Cisco said as Felicity smiled.

"See? You're getting the hang of it." She said before turning to Barry.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked as I sighed and shook my head.

"Barry. I know you. One thing is going to happen to your doppleganger's life, and then you are going to want it be involved..." Felicity shrugged her shoulders as I did. 

Barry shuddered for a moment, trying to shake off the fact he may just do that as I placed a comforting hand in his, smiling up at him. "You'll be fine, Bar." I reassured him, giving him a kiss on the cheek as he nodded.

"So then let's do this!" Cisco said as he put on his glasses.

"If we aren't back in 48 hours, that means Zoom has us. And if he does, you close this breach." Barry said as I shook my head.

"We aren't doing that, Bar. You get yourself back here in one piece you understand?" Joe said as I brought Barry into a tight hug.

"Go win... And then come home." I whispered into his ear as he hummed.

"I'll always come running home right to you." He replied as I smiled.

"You always do." I said, sealing the short conversation with a kiss. Cisco walked up to me after Barry walked away, handing me a piece of paper.

"I wrote that for Dante and my parents for if I don't make it and um... This one is for you." Cisco said, grabbing another paper from his pocket.

"Cisco you are going to come back-"

"Daisy please. Just promise me you will give them the letter if I don't." He said with a pleading look in his eyes as I sighed, nodding as I brought him into a hug. 

"I promise they will get the letter." I said as he smiled, walking towards Caitlin.

"Be safe Barry and Cisco..." I said as Harry frowned at me, rolling my eyes jokingly. "Okay I guess you can be safe too." I said as he rolled his own eyes. 

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 (𝟮) Where stories live. Discover now