Chapter 38: The Cross-Over: Part 3

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Barry had been gone for what felt like years, and as I waited in the Cortex, the monitors started to beep. "Why. Why is it that every time Barry leaves something bad happens?.. Guys you got to see this." I said as a man created havoc in the streets of Central City.

"Somebody call the Flash!" The man said as I quickly stared searching for facial recognition.

"Who is he?" Cisco asked as his faced appeared.

"Adam Fells. But apparently he calls himself Geomancer." I said as Caitlin frowned.

"So is he a breacher?" She asked as Jay shook his head.

"No, Fells died on my Earth. This must be his Earth-1 Doppleganger." He said as I typed quickly into the computer.

"Well, now that we have his name, it should be easier to track him down and stop him before he kills someone." I said as his location popped up.

"Well Jay... You can shoot yourself up with that stuff... What was it called-?" Cisco said as my mouth dropped, slowly turning to him with a look as if he just broke my phone.

"Velocity-6. I can't take Velocity-6." Jay said as I slowly stood up and wacked him in the head. He gasped, holding his head as I fazed my hand.

"Do I have to remind you that I'm a speedster? Jay knows now!" I said with a frown as Cisco looked between me and Jay, who shrugged and nodded that he already knew before we all turned to Felicity, who dropped her sushi.

"Um... I did not know about this." She said, pointing a finger up as I scrunched up my nose and shut my eyes.

"Fuck. I forgot you were here for a moment."

"Hey! Language!" Felicity said as she snickered to herself.

"Now really isn't the time to make references, Mrs. Parker." Jay said as Felicity and I frowned.

"Anyways, now that Jay knows, I'm just gonna go beat up this Geomancer dude before he creates an earthquake that will swallow Central City." I said as everyone nodded.

"Be safe!" Felicity and Caitlin said in unison as I took in a deep breath, looking over at my suit that was next to Barry's.

This is it. I thought to myself.

I can finally prove to everyone that I can be a hero.



"Daisy! Caitlin! Please. I know you guys... This isn't you." I repeated to the two as they looked at one another and slowly turned to me. Daisy was suddenly in my face, her's blurry, eyes red. 

Just like the Reverse-Flash.

"If you knew me at all. You would know that I haven't used the name Daisy since you broke my heart." Her doppleganger said, a fear in my chest that I didn't know I could feel. I didn't do this to her... Did I? Well... Maybe my doppleganger did.

"Dr. Wells? He's.. He's your father?" I said as she ran back to Cailtin, black lightning following after her.

"It doesn't matter who my father is or isn't anymore. What matters is that we turn you into Zoom... So you can be killed." Daisy said as I just stared at her. I know it wasn't my fault she was like this... But I couldn't help but blame myself for it. This could have easily been the Daisy from my earth.

"I-I don't want to hurt you. Either of you." I told them as Caitlin hummed.

"Trust me, you won't." Daisy said as she and Caitlin connected hands again, their ice and electricity becoming bigger, heading straight for me as I dodged it quickly.

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