Chapter 16

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"I still can't see." Barry said as I shined a light in his eyes, frowning at how clouded they had become. "How long is this going to last?" He asked as I turned to Caitlin.

"You're suffering from solar retinopathy." Caitlin said as I sighed quietly. Barry frowned, not understanding what she said.

"Your retinas are severely damaged, Bar. Honestly, you are lucky you aren't permanently blind. Even with your regeneration abilities, it should take a few hours four your sight to return." I said as Harry just stared blankly at Barry.

"6.25 hours by my estimation." He said bluntly as I turned my attention to him, frowning.

"Thanks for the insight, Einstein." I remarked as he stepped forward slightly.

"All of this could have been avoided if you had stopped Light rather than chit chatting with her." Harry said coldly as I stepped in front of him, glaring at the man that was just slightly taller.

"She caught Barry off guard, so lay off his ass." I said slightly loud as Barry went to speak up, but Harry was faster.

"Always an excuse with you, right? He's the fastest man alive. How could she possibly do that?" Harry retorted as I clenched my fists, which had started to burn up.

"Because she looks exactly like a girl that Cora works with." Barry said as I raised a brow at Harry as Caitlin walked over to me, gently placing her hands on my shoulders and guided me away from Harrison, who I would very  much love to punch in the face at the moment.

"That's why Zoom sent her. He knew Barry would hesitate." I said to Caitlin as she only pressed her lips together in a fine line. "Because I'm friends with the person that looks exactly like a thief." I said quietly as Caitlin sat on the medical bed next to me.

"Zoom had to have known somehow that me and Barry know Linda, right?" I asked Caitlin as her eyes widened.

"Maybe Linda from Earth-2 is.. or was.. in relations to Barry and you from her earth. Harry told me that most people who know one another on his earth know each other on this one, too." Caitlin suggested as I turned my head to look out at Harry and Jay, two new people I had yet to trust.

There are plenty of opportunities were Jay proved himself trust worthy, but I'm sure I lost my trust after Wells. I glared at both of the men, more so at Harry. Something about him felt off, like he was hiding several things from us. But most importantly, I had been catching him glancing my way several times, which I happened to not enjoy for obvious reasons, but I knew he wasn't looking at me that way, so what was it?

I need to find out, sooner or later.

Preferably sooner.

I noticed Barry get up, only to collapse for a moment and then stand right back up and tumble forward. "Barry jesus! You can't be running around literally blind! Did you not learn anything from Oliver?" I said as I grabbed him gently.

"Hey!" Iris said as she ran in. "I came as soon as I heard-" Iris stopped, staring at Harrison, who stared blankly back. "You look just like him."

"I'm guessing my counterpart did something to offend her as well?" Harrison asked as I pressed my lips together in a thin smile.

"Her fiancee died because of him. You're counterpart is not the most favorited in this group. And frankly, to me at least, neither are you." I said with a frown as everyone just stared at me in shock. Well, except for Harry, who actually looked pretty hurt at the comment. But I didn't feel very bad about it.

He was kind of a dick.

"Iris look I know it's weird-" I placed my hands on Barry's head and turned him to face Iris. "Thanks." He said as I nodded.

"seeing him and all." Barry continued as Iris just shrugged, still watching Harry as he messed with something.

"Yeah, it's just been a lot to process lately. Wells, my mother." Iris said as I removed my hands from Barry, feeling them start to heat up once again. Before anyone had the chance to say my name, I quickly rushed out of the Cortex as I just stared at my hands, which had started to actually burn.

I felt nothing but pain, if I was being honest. 

Everything hurt. It felt like I was just feeling everyone's pain all at once, and I couldn't stop it.

"Cora!" I heard Cisco yell as I felt myself burn up more and more. I could feel my face become sticky with sweat, which was gross as I tried to search for the large training room that was nothing but concrete. 

Mainly because I feared what was about to happen.

I could hear everyone's thoughts, all about why I just ran off, but Barry's were the clearest. Everyone just left Barry to go after me. Except for Harry, who had to hold Barry back from running after everyone and me.

I pushed the door open and shut it quickly, locking it as Cisco rammed into the door. "Cora what's going on?" He asked, worry filling his voice as I ran to the complete opposite side of the large room, which felt like it took forever considering how large it was.

I collapsed onto the cold concrete, which barely did anything as I just felt myself grow hotter and hotter. I stared at my hands, watching as they started to glow white, then catch a blue fire. For once, I was glad to have these new meta powers, because I liked not having hands that were scarred by fire.

I shut my eyes tightly as I groaned in pain, the air in here feeling like it was growing less and less. There were thoughts that weren't mine running around in my head, which brought a headache to me.

I could feel my tears literally burn my skin as they fell down my face, a ring of fire circling me before I felt myself suddenly become cold.

And then it went dark.


I slowly opened my eyes, finding myself in my old bedroom, the one before I moved to Starling.

The one where my real parents were killed.

Confused, I stood up and got out of my old bed, making my way downstairs and to the living room, where someone I never thought I'd truly see again stood.

"M-Mom?" I said with tears stinging my eyes as my mother smiled, opening her arms out to me.

"Hello baby." She said as I ran to her, jumping into her arms.

"I-I don't understand. H-How are you here?" I asked. "How am I here?"

"You aren't here, Daisy. Not really, anyway." My mother said as I frowned before my eyes widened.

"Oh my god. OH my god am I dead?!" I asked as she only laughed quietly.

"No honey. You aren't dead." She said as I frowned again in confusion.

"Then... Then where am I?" I asked as my mother held her smile.

"You're in the Speed Force."


*mimicking Belt from The Croods* DUN DUN DUUUNNNNN

Okay, so obviously I'm not gonna make Cora one of those super powerful heroes like CaRoL dAnVeRs because EW. I hate when writers do that honestly. I know it sounds like I'm doing that but please for the sake of FlashPoint, you'll just need to wait until I post Chapter 17, which will be out in around an hour.

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