Chapter Six

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Sorry this chapter is gonna be pretty short!

What's happening? I can't move. Am I even breathing? Holy shit I'm dead.

Dammit I didn't get to finish my ice cream.

Maybe I can eat it in the afterlife.

Wait how did I get into the Cortex? I don't even remember getting out of bed.

Maybe if I just sit still long enough, I'll look invisible like Drax. But that didn't work for him.

"Cora? Are you sure you're okay?" Barry asked, getting my full attention to him. But the feeling that would usually appear when I saw his face, love, was now filled with an emotion ive never experienced towards anyone.


Why did I hate Barry? He didn't do anything. He has done nothing wrong. So why am I suddenly hating the man I'm supposed to love?

"Oh. Yeah I'm fine just. . . I guess waking up at 3 AM really took a toll on my attention span." I lied, looking away from Barry before I grimaced.

"A-alright." He said quietly before walking up to Cisco and Caitlin as I sipped on my hot chocolate.

"Well, this new Patty Spivot girl found our meta. He's being questioned at the precinct and-"

"We should go! Maybe get some answers from him ourself." I interrupted Barry, who turned his head to frown at me.

"Uh, yeah I guess we could." He said hesitantly:

"Great! Let's go." Before I could jump into Barry's arms for him to speed us off, he grabbed me and pulled me out of the cortex.

"Cora what is going on?" Barry said, worry and concern in his voice. I felt my eye barely twitch, a slight annoyance that we hadn't left radiating off of me.

"What do you mean? Nothin is wrong. I'm perfectly fine. I mean, last night was fine, right? I definitely didn't see a speed demon or any-"

"You saw Zoom?!" Barry yelled, and I shut my eyes tightly as my hands started to burn. However, while I expected everyone to run out and start questioning things, they didn't.

Maybe I had time to do what my mind was telling me to. I can wait until he starts getting to deep into the questions.

"Why didn't you tell me, Cora?!" Barry said, a look of betrayal on his face.

"It's not that big of a deal, Bar! I mean yeah Zoom showed up, but all he did was put some weird device on my head! I'm perfectly fine!" I lied, knowing what was about to come.

"We need to get your brain scanned." Barry said almost immediately, my head shaking aggressively as he tried to pull me back into the Cortex.

"No! I don't need a brain scan!" I yelled as we got inside.

"Woah what's going on?" Cisco asked as I was practically snarling like a dog now. My blood was boiling, I didn't want them to find out what plans I had been thinking about against my own will.

I didn't want to execute these plans, but something, or maybe someone was forcing me to.

"I said NO!" I yelled as my hand gave off a blast of energy directly at Barry, his grip on my wrist releasing as he was sent towards Cisco, knocking him down like a bowling pin.

I stared in fear at what I had just done, looking at Jay and Caitlin, who looked at the two boys on the ground then back up at me.

"I-I uh. . Um." I started stuttering, thinking of a few ways to get out of here, one that resulted in everyone's death, which I wasn't going to do, the other blinding them for a short amount of time.

And the other just running.

"C-Cora?" Barry slowly looked up at me as he stood up. And I could feel my heart shatter as he gave me the same look he gave Wells the day we found out who he was.

He looked at me like I was the villain.

"I-I'm sorry- I-" before I knew it, my feet were leading me out of the Cortex.

"Cora wait!" I heard Caitlin yell. She was probably the only one other than Cisco to think that something was wrong.

They all knew I would have never intentionally hurt any of them unless it was against my will. And right now that's exactly what was happening.

I couldn't use my abilities to block out the thoughts of hurting my friends, no matter how hard I tried.

By the time I got outside, my hands were glowing red , an anger pulsating through me. I hated being angry, to be honest, but I was more angry at myself for hurting Barry and Cisco.

"Cora stop!" I turned to see Jay, running towards me as I backed up.

"You take one more step and I swear to you I'll French fry your feet!" I threatened as I aimed my glowing hands at Jay, a frown on my face as he stopped, raising his hands in defense.

"Look, I'm not gonna throw you to the lions, Cora. I'm your friend, right?" He said as I scoffed.

"Right now, it feels like I just lost all my 'friends' after what I did." I shot back, holding in the tears that threatened to fall.

"Well. You were trying to hide something. What was it?" He asked, and for a reason I hated, I felt the need to tell only him.

I should be telling Barry this. Not Jay.

"I- Zoom. . . He came to Barry's house last night and. . . He did something to my mind. I can't block out these thoughts and-" I trailed off for a moment as Jay raised a brow.

"What are the thoughts, Cora?" Jay pushed as I shut my eyes, taking in a breath.

"Zoom wants me to kill Barry."

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