Chapter 35

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One Day Later

"Cisco? You okay?" I asked as he just stared ahead in the middle of the hall. "Cisco? Ci-CISCO!" Suddenly, out of literally nowhere, he started to have a seizure, falling to the floor and flopping around like a fish out of water.

I yelled, dropping to the floor to try and hold him down. "CAITLIN!! BARRY HELP!" I screamed as Barry appeared, Caitlin following behind as Barry stared at Cisco for a moment. "Get him to the medical room!" Caitlin ordered as Barry grabbed Cisco and disappeared. I grabbed Caitlin, using my speed to bring her to the Cortex faster.

"Caitlin sedate him! Barry get the Benzodiazepine." I ordered as Caitlin started moving faster than I had ever seen as I held Cisco down. I could feel the energy draining from his body, watching Caitlin sedate him before Barry handed her a needle, which she quickly injected into her friend, who slowly stopped seizing.

"Phew.. How did- how did you know to use Benzodiazepine?" Caitlin asked as Jay walked in.

"My um... My dad would have seizures when I was younger before he stopped. I had to learn what medicine stopped the seizures the fastest.

Cisco gasped, sitting up quickly as I jumped back, bumping into Barry in the process. "Woah! What- What happened? Where the hell am I?" Cisco asked as it suddenly clicked in my mind.

"The time line." I said with a snap of my fingers as everyone raised a brow at me. 

"What? What are you talking about?" Barry asked as I turned to everyone.

"When you captured The Reverse Flash, it ruptured the timeline. the blood, the seizures... all of that. It's affecting Cisco." I said as Barry and Cisco frowned.

"The changes to the past or the changes to the present?"  Cisco asked as I shrugged.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that we need to restore the timeline." Jay butted in as I nodded my head in agreement. "Barry, you need to send the Reverse Flash back to the future as fast as possible." He said as Barry looked at him like he was crazy.

"What?! I just caught him! You want me to let him go?!" He yelled as I grabbed his bicep.

"If we don't, Cisco will die." I said as Cisco's eyes widened, pointing a finger in the air.

"I would very much like for that to not happen."

"I can't send him back even if I wanted to!" Barry said as everyone stopped.

"Why not?" I asked, crossing my arms as Barry sighed, h=rubbing his face.

"I-I destroyed the tachyon drive in the speed machine. Without it there's no way it will reach the speed necessary to take Eobard back to the future." Barry said as I turned to everyone.

"Your speed coupled with Thawne's speed, that'll be enough to catapult him through the time continuum." Jay said as everyone nodded in an agreement that it could possibly work.

"All right. All right. Let's do it." Barry said as I smiled.

"Let's go take that son of a bitch home." I said, grabbing my portable radio, looking at everyone give me a weird look. "Don't ask questions."


"You've all messed with something you don't understand." Eobard said as I shoved him ahead.

"Do me and Cisco a favor, and shut the fuck up." I said as Cisco and I did a small fist bump.

"And how exactly are you going to send me home?" Eobard asked as we got to the particle accelerator entrance.

"Don't worry about it, Lemon Head." I said, patting his back before wiping my hand on Cisco's shirt before backing up to let everyone talk. Eobard looked over at me, taking one step over towards me.

"So, what exactly do you do for the team?" He asked as I shrugged.

"Everything and nothing." I said as Eobard frowned. "You know, I had a plant before I moved here a few years ago. I was thinking on naming it Eobard. I'm glad it's dead." I said with a serious face as Eobard frowned.

"That's a bit rude." He said as I scoffed.

"Buddy, if you knew half the shit you are going to be doing to this group, I think you would understand why I wish you were dead." I scolded as Eobard chuckled, Barry walking up.

"Time to send you back to your time." He said as I shoved him away from me to Barry, Eobard glaring at me for a moment before I smiled and flipped him off.

"We will meet again, Flash." Eobard said, putting his mask over his head, his eyes now glowing red.

"Yeah, I know." Barry said, rolling his eyes.

"And every time.. I'll be ready." He said with an evil grin before running off, Barry following a few seconds later as we all ran back up to the Cortex.

"I-I don't understand." Caitlin said as I looked at the diagram. Barry was moving so slow. Well, for a speedster. "Barry is going half the speed he needs to be going to send Eobard back to the future."


"I can't, Daisy. If I use Velocity-9... It could kill me." Jay said as Cisco and Caitlin slowly turned to me, causing me to shake my head. "Why are you guys looking at her?"

"Daisy, you have to." Caitlin said as I looked at Jay, and kept shaking my head. "If you don't, Cisco will die."

"I can't run that fast, Caitlin. At least... I don't think I can..." I admitted as Cisco shrugged.

"Only one way to find out." He said before clicking a button, and right next to the empty suit model, a wall opened to reveal my suit. Jay looked between me and the suit, trying to put the pieces together.

"I'm going to regret this." I muttered under my breath as I zipped in and out of the cortex, now in my suit for what felt like the first time. Was it the first time? 

I ran into the pipelines, then into the accelerator, running the same speed as Barry, who turned to me.

"Daisy? What are you doing?"

"You aren't going the speed you need to be going." I said with a small smile and a wink before I started to run faster

A scream.

A woman's scream. Why was I hearing a woman screaming? No. ignore it. Just keep running.

I caught up to Eobard, my face hidden by my mask as I gripped his shoulder.

"See you on the other side... Velocity." Eobard said with his evil voice as my eyes widened, and I quickly hurled him forward as the scream started to grow quiet. But I knew that scream.

I stopped running the moment I threw Eobard, skidding to a halt to see him summersault into the wormhole before it closed abruptly.

I did it.

Eobard was back in his timeline. Cisco was going to be okay.

"Thank god." I let out a long sigh, running back up to the Cortex. "Is Cisco going to be okay?" Was the first thing I asked when I entered, ignoring the look on Jay's face as Caitlin nodded, smiling.

"Yeah. He'll be okay."


I'll be honest, I was planning on killing Daisy in this chapter, but I feel like its too soon for some reason. I had that entire part planned out, with Barry yelling and tbh (nearly killing) Cisco for not telling them Daisy was going to die, Caitlin closing herself off from everyone and quitting working at S.T.A.R. Labs, Harry throwing things out  of anger and the pain of technically losing his daughter again, even Jay being upset about it (though we know its fake).

But then I realized that if I did this, the next book would only be flashpoint, and Barry goes back in time a few months after this happened, and by then everything would have been set in place and Daisy's death would be "permanent" so when he travels back she would still be dead (in the timeline that killer frost exists if that makes any sense.)

If im being honest, I may not kill Daisy at all and just have Cisco's vibe be from another Earth where Daisy is already dead and make a different twist at the end of this book :)

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