Chapter 39: Crossover Part 4

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"I've never been so embarrassed in my life. That was humiliating!" I said as Caitlin looked at me with a sympathetic look.

"Daisy... I'm sure you'll be over it soon. Barry has made so many mistakes, you were there for all of them. And look, he never gave up on being the Flash. Why should you give up on being Velocity?"

Damn she's good.

I sighed, allowing Caitlin to stitch up the cut I got on my bicep. "I don't know Caitlin... I just-" I hesitated for a moment. There were so many times that all I wanted to do was be a hero. I loved the thought about saving people from danger and having them praise me for it.

But then other thoughts would skip my mind, and I could only imagine myself failing this city. People would hate me... I would hate me.

Sometimes I would just watch Barry sleep at night, watching the moment of his eyes as he slept, hear his heart beating at such a fast pace, and wonder how such an amazing person became such a loved hero.

And then I'd look at myself, and wonder why I was given the same powers. Did I even deserve them?

"Sometimes I think I didn't deserve these powers... They don't belong to me, they belong to someone who actually deserves them." I said as Caitlin stopped and looked at me, a small frown on her face.

"Daisy, don't be like that. These powers are a gift!" Caitlin said as I rolled up my sleeves, standing up as I shrugged.

"I don't know anymore, Cait. I couldn't stop Geomancer-"

"But you could stop Thawne, and send him back to his time. You could figure out where every meta Barry ever fought was, and create some concoction to stop them... You did those without your speed, Daisy." Caitlin said as I looked at my feet.

"Do you remember when I first found S.T.A.R Labs?" I asked as I looked back up at her. "I only just moved to Central City... Eobard came to me the night before... the only word he said was 'S.T.A.R.'... I was, so confused on what he meant, but I was barely gazed by the break in. I didn't even call the cops. I spent almost an hour searching up relations to the word Star in Central City and... I found S.T.A.R. Labs... something in me told me it was a terrible idea to go here but, I knew I was meant to be here. And at first, I thought you guys wouldn't trust me... You were so quick to let me in to your little team." I said as Caitlin and I started to walk down the halls.

"A few months after my first encounter with the Reverse Flash... He appeared again... He threatened to kill me but, I wasn't afraid. I was terrified at first but, I wasn't afraid of him threatening to kill me. There was something that told me that knew he wouldn't kill me... I don't know what it was but... Now I guess I will never know." I said as Caitlin stopped.

"Why are you telling me this?" She asked as I looked at her.

"Because Cait... I feel like... I feel that someone should know about the times Thawne has interacted with me before I die." I said as Caitlin gasped.

"Die?! What do you mean die?" She asked, a fear in her voice.

"When we last saw the news article of Barry disappearing... it said my name, but with Barry's last name. And-And a few weeks, maybe months later, it changed to Iris West-Evans." I said as Caitlin frowned.

"At first, I thought that I may have quit from my job, and I did, I hated that job so much but... A few days ago Iris told me that my old boss had been wanting to let me off for months, before I saw the name change. Mainly because I never showed up to work. He only kept me because I was a good writer. I- Then Cisco vibed one time and he wouldn't talk to me about what he vibed and... I just have the feeling he saw something he didn't want to see." I said as Caitlin took. Step closer.

"Daisy, I promise you. I won't let that happen. Now... Let's go find a way to stop Geomancer."

Sorry it's such a short chapter, I've been losing motivation to write recently and just wanted to get in a chapter for you guys.

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