Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Obviously I didn't sleep.

How could I sleep when I know that the man that's responsible for the death of your best friend and boyfriends mother is alive?

How is it even possible that he's alive? Eobard Thawne was erased from existence. He shouldn't be here.

"Daisy? Are you okay?" Caitlin asked as I looked up at her from the monitors. "You've been quite since you got here. You haven't even made a sarcastic comment to Harry."

"Oh... y-yeah I'm fine.. uh... I just... got a lot on my mind right now." I said as she pressed her lips together, along with her brows in concern. I would say that since Ronnie died, Caitlin and I have become closer, and that meant she was able to see right through my lies. But this time, she didn't look like she was going to push me.

But she would later.

"Hey um... I'm gonna go out for a run, maybe get some hot chocolate, clear my mind. I'll be back in a little bit." I told Caitlin and Cisco as they nodded, watching me zoom out of S.T.A.R. Labs.

Now, there are many reasons why I chose to run instead of hide my powers. Mainly, it's to get away from everyday problems. Like work, for example.

Or a decision to be made. Or a dilemma I have to face. Lately for me, it feels like all I've been doing is running from my problems.

But for right now, I'm running from the fact that Eobard Thawne is alive. And I don't know if I should tell Barry.

After getting my hot chocolate and running back to star labs, I sat down in my chair just as Barry spoke through the comms.

"What you got for me, Daisy?" Bye asked as I snapped back into reality, leaning forward.

"Barry, you've been played hero all day. Come back and take a break." I said as he sighed.

"We can't afford to waste any more time, Daisy." Harry said as I looked up at him, staring blankly. "Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster."

"And he-"

"Isnt." Harry said, cutting me off. "He is not getting fast enough to beat zoom. And he won't unless we keep pushing him." He continued as Barry ran in, my blood starting to boil, the electricity in my veins flowing quickly as my anger only rose.

It didn't help that the man Barry and I hated had the same face as the one trying to help us. Then again, that face betrayed us before.

"You can lay off Barry for the day! Not EVERYTHING is about saving your daughter! You didn't stop Zoom when that first accident happened. Barry needs a break. We all do! For one, I am sick of your constant nagging to get Barry to be faster just so he can get your daughter because I know for a god damn fact that once he does, you are out of here!" I said as my voice began to rise more, and I was sure that if I didn't see who I saw last night, I wouldn't be saying these things.

"Daisy-" Cisco said, trying to get my attention that electricity was dancing off my skin. I looked down at my body for a minute, the need to laugh building up inside me, but I held it back.

"We'll look at that. Now Harry knows. Might as well tell Jay too!" I yelled before turning to Barry, who just stared at me in confusion, no doubt questioning why I was so angry.

Without a second thought, I ran out of the Cortex as fast as I could, not wanting to be in there for another moment.


I found myself sitting on the edge of a tall building, kicking my feet lazily as I rested my head in my hands, sighing longingly.

I had since gotten over my sudden outburst of anger, which I found to be growing more and more frequent since I was practically brainwashed. It couldn't possibly be having a long term affect on me... could it?

Or was I turning into the bad guy?

"No. Nope. I am not turning into a 'hero turned villain.' No way." I told myself as I stood up. I had to make sure I wouldn't turn into some crazed villain.

I mean, I knew I wouldn't. But I still couldn't help but feel it could happen. That would be something, wouldn't it? Taking a sip of my hot chocolate, my mind couldn't help but run through those thoughts.

Beloved Central City Hero 'Velocity' Turned Into Crazed Villain

I couldn't help but laugh at the terrifying thought. I shook my head free of the thoughts, now only putting the best memories I could find in place of the bad ones as I ran back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Thankfully, Harry wasn't there, but everyone definitely was ignoring me. Wasn't surprised.

"Um... Daisy can I- talk to you?" Caitlin asked as she placed a gently hand on my shoulder. I looked around at everyone, who turned their gaze away from me as we walked out of the Cortex.

"What's been going on with you? You've been silent all day and then... you got so angry at Harry. What happened?" She asked as I ran a hand through my hair.

"I- god I don't know if I should be telling you this before Barry..." I said as Caitlin furrowed her brows, tilting her head like a confused puppy.

"Wells... he-he's back. Eobard Thawne is back." I said as Caitlin's eyes widened in what looked like fear.

"H-how do you know?" She asked as I sucked in a breath.

"He uh... visited me last night. At Joe's. I-I put Iris to sleep after we went to the bar and-and...  it was 1:23. I was going back to head upstairs and- he was just standing there." I began as I felt tears of anger sting my eyes.


"Do you know how hard it was? To not kill him? God I sound like Barry..." I said with a forced chuckle. "I would have killed him, Caitlin. I really would have but..."

"You couldn't." She said quietly as I sucked in my lips, nodding.

"I couldn't bring myself to kill him... he-he's a monster Caitlin and I couldn't kill him..."

"Daisy.. you have such a big heart. I.. Barry wouldn't even be able to kill him, and he killed his mom." Caitlin said as I nodded slowly.

"That.. the outburst you had on Harry. Was it because of Thawne?" Caitlin asked as I shrugged.

"I don't even know. I- some of it was but.. another part was from him trying to push Barry... I feel like I'm turning into the bad guy, Caitlin." I said as I shuddered, Caitlin shaking her head quickly.

"No. Oh my god Daisy no! We won't let that happen. You aren't turning into the bad guy, I promise you that." She said as I sniffed, nodding as Caitlin brought me into a tight hug.

"Aw shit!" I said with a frown as Caitlin did. "I forgot my hot chocolate. I'll be back." I said, and without a moment to let her speak, I was running out of S.T.A.R. Labs.

Passing through the streets at super-speed was always my favorite thing. Seeing the lights flash by. It brought a sense of calm in my body for a few moments.

"Aha! There you are!" I said as I picked up my hot chocolate, frowning. "Dangit. It's cold." I said quietly and turned around, freezing in place.

"Boo." Zoom said in his deep and creepy voice before pushing my off the building.

A Yelp escaped me as my drink was taken out of my hands, my body falling almost in slow motion as I quickly started to process how I could get out of this situation. But I couldn't.

I was too far from the building to run down it, not to mention as soon as I got out of FlashTime I would be falling to fast.

I could get my meta alert thing and maybe Barry could get to me in time. But it wouldn't work.

I could spin around and use my arms as a helicopter or slow down my fall and break a few bones. I'd still wouldn't survive.

Oh my god.

This was it.

I'm going to die.

And I didn't even get to finish my hot chocolate.

𝗗𝗶𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 - 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗙𝗹𝗮𝘀𝗵 (𝟮) Where stories live. Discover now