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Gay ship. That's all I'm gonna say.

Kairi stood by the built raft, tracing her fingers over the shells on her wayfinder.

She was waiting on Sora to finish getting provisions for their journey, when Riku suddenly approached her.

"Hey, Kairi. Is Sora taking too long? I could always go see what he's up to, if you'd like?" The silver-haired boy asked.

Kairi just laughed in response, lifting her gaze from the wayfinder to his eyes. "It isn't like this is his fulltime job, Riku." She teased. "He'll come back on his own time."

She was suddenly hit by a painful headache. In a hurry, she dropped her wayfinder, and held her head in pain.

"Kairi?" Riku's voice sounded far off.

And it was the last thing she heard before everything turned black.


Kairi awoke again, underwater. Her first reaction was to panic, and try to swim back upward before she ran out of air.

But then she realized...

She could breathe.

The current kept pushing her farther down, until she landed on the sea floor.

Kairi took a step, but was suddenly overwhelmed by a lot of light. Doves flew up from the floor, uncovering the bright light. Soon enough, below Kairi's shoes were a lovely stained glass platform.

"Wow..." she mumbled with awe. Kairi looked back up, and when she tried jumping, she was pulled back down. Gravity was against her. Kairi stepped into the middle of the platform, staring in awe as stairs of the same stature as the platform appeared in front of her.

Well, it's the only way to go so.... Kairi crossed the platform and onto the stairs.

As she climbed though, she started to have second thoughts. Kairi turned to go back, when she saw the stairs had disappeared behind her.

"Guess I gotta keep going." Kairi mumbled to herself. As she kept going, she felt a strong amount of darkness, an ability she seemed to have since she was a child.

She kept a steady pace until she reached the next platform.

A misty beam of light was in the center. Kairi stepped into it, but once she did, shadows materialized all around her.

And from the shadows, bug-like creatures grew.

"What are these things?" She shouted.

They approached her, and Kairi braced for impact. But in her hand, a key-shaped sword covered in petals and vines appeared. It even had a paopu fruit as a keychain.

She tried swiping it at a shadow creature, and it easily disappeared. Kairi felt suddenly motivated, and held the blade at her side.

As she attacked, the shadows did the same. It didn't hurt her that much though.

After she was finally done with them, Kairi felt pretty exhausted.

But the battle wasn't done.

From the shadowy pools where the shadow creatures once were, they moved into the center of the platform into one big circle, and from it rose a huge creature, way bigger than the one's Kairi had just defeated.

Kairi ran to the edge of the platform, hoping that another staircase would appear so she could run away from the monster.

But it didn't. If she hadn't caught herself, she was sure she'd fallen off the platform.

Kairi whirled around, holding her weapon close. She could do this.

The Darkside shoved its hand down, and from the dark pool it formed, shadows materialized. Kairi ran and jumped on the darkside's arm, and took no time in starting to attack it.

She could tell that it was weakened, and that with a couple more hits it would probably go down.

But as Kairi was about to swing again, the Darkside shoved her off, and she landed on the ground.

The shadows that were there started going after her, but she easily took them down.

Kairi turned and jumped to hit Darkside on the arm, expecting it to shrivel up and die, but it didn't. It hardly even reacted.

It must have regenerated! Kairi realized.

She kept attacking it until it eventually sank into the ground. The dark pool it created turned quick-sand-like, and Kairi sank through it, only to be entirely engulfed by the darkness.

Kairi could feel the darkness moving around her, but it never came near her.


Kairi opened her eyes to see Riku, and from the angle, he was holding her.

"Riku, what happened?" She asked.

"You kinda passed out for a moment. And I caught you. Just be careful, I can't be there to catch you every time."


Riku cleared his throat and set her down. "Nothing, I just didn't think you were as clumsy as Sora."

As if on cue, Sora came from behind them by the star.

"Hey guys! Sorry I took so long! I was sparring with Tidus, Selphe and Wakka before I gathered every thing, so it took a while." Sora set the provisions down on the raft.

"Ready to go home after we organize everything?" Riku asked.

"You bet!" Sora put his hands behind his head with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm a little exhausted." Kairi picked up her wayfinder and held it in her hand with a smile.

The three of them would always be together.

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now