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Riku's gaze faltered from the sky down to his hand.

He sighed, his arm falling from his knee to the steps below him.

He moved his hand along the stone until it felt grainy against his fingertips.

I'll go check on Kairi.

He stood up and walked inside through the already open door, down a hall, and into the wide amphitheater.

The throne in the room looked extremely shiny under the light from the stained glass window.

Riku stopped walking up the stairs as he heard voices.

Specifically Eraqus, Terra and Aqua.

"I can't stay here." He mumbled.

Riku looked around the room, and noticed a shadow behind the thrones.

He looked down at the staircase he was on, and noticed a shadow on a few steps.

His legs guided him down there quickly, and he closed his eyes.

With a tiny bit of concentration, he melted into the shadows.

Riku looked down at his hand to make sure, but started to feel a sense of unease when he saw the dark spots standing out against his skin.

He was trying to warp, so he couldn't be fully shadow.

His eyes closed and he remembered the thrones.

The dark shadow that was there.

He felt his body melt and reform.

Riku opened his eyes, feeling sluggish and a tiny bit nauseated.

He shook off what he could, and listened to the adults talk.

"So, what do you think, Master?" Aqua asked.

Eraqus seemed to hesitate. "They certainly preform well.. but Riku has to learn to keep his darkness in check."

"And he has." Terra responded. "He is doing really well."

"But he utilizes the powers of the dark!" Eraqus argued.

"That isn't a bad thing, Master. He's figured out how to lock away his darkness, so it can't get to him anymore."

Eraqus sighed. "It reminds me all too much of... him."

The air felt heavy in the room, and Aqua and Terra's expressions darkened.

"He only wanted help, Master." Terra mumbled.

"But he was an apprentice to Xehanort! You know what he did."

Riku flinched in the shadows at Eraqus's tone. But he continued to listen.

Aqua cleared her throat. "But they've both performed exceptionally well. I believe they may be ready for worlds."

Riku managed to conceal his gasp.

If they could go to worlds, they may be able to get even stronger and look for Sora!

"Yes.. I would like to see how they preform."

"But?" Terra prompted.

Eraqus sighed. "But... they should stay a bit longer before we send them out. Who knows what the worlds did to them?"

They killed Sora, that's what. Riku thought bitterly.

If they hadn't lost Sora during their game of tag, they wouldn't be in this situation.

Sora would still be here.

But, Roxas was out in the world.

That was something, right?

"Yes, I understand."

Riku didn't need to hear any more.

He focused on Kairi, and let a Corridor of Darkness wash over him.

For a moment, it looked like he was being absorbed by darkness.

Which he was.

But in a different way.

He fell through the Corridor, and landed on the floor.

"Ow.." he groaned.

Kairi pulled him to his knees.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Riku responded.

Kairi still summoned his keyblade and whispered, "heal!" under her breath.

Riku sighed as his chest stopped throbbing.

"So, wanna explain why you fell through the roof?"

"Oh!" Riku jumped up, sitting on his knees. "We might be sent to worlds."

"Did Aqua tell you?"






"Then how do you know?"

"I kinda, sorta, maybe spied on them?"

Kairi thumped Riku on his head. "Riku! You shouldn't be spying!"

"It was an accident," Riku argued, rubbing his head, "I just wanted to know what they were saying."

"That doesn't make it any better."

"But we can go look for Sora if we're allowed to go."

Kairi's expression lightened. "Hm..."

"I know you want to find him."

"I do.." Kairi mumbled. "But if you promise to stop spying on people, I won't say anything."

"It was only this time!"

Kairi looked at him oddly.

"..and when I was working with Maleficent, but that doesn't matter!"

Kairi still stared at him.

"Yes, I promise to stop spying on people unless it's for a good reason."

"Good! Now, get out of my room!"

"But we could spar outside?" Riku knew he had Kairi trapped. She loved a good spar.

She smirked. "You're on!"

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now