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Kairi held her breath as she once again nudged Sora. He had been out for longer than she had.

"Well, I'm sure he'll wake soon." The girl named Yuffie promised.

"Maybe." Kairi agreed. "If I knew magic, I could probably heal him or something."

"Well, I know some magic. It isn't the best healing, Aerith is better at that. But it's decent."

Kairi was about to ask who Aerith was, but she thought better of it.

Sora suddenly sat up, shaking his head.

"What happened...?" He asked wearily.

"Hm." Yuffie leaned closer to Sora, probably inspecting him, and turned to Leon who was leaning against the door. "I think you might've overdone it, Squall."

"That's Leon." He corrected her.

"We should get on with it anyway." Yuffie ignored Leon's remark. "Those creatures that attacked you are called the heartless. They're attracted to the darkness in people, but it's your hearts they're really after."

"The heartless?" Kairi squeaked.

"Those without hearts." Leon answered.

"We had to separate your keyblade from you to shake off those creatures. Turns out, that's how they were tracking you." Yuffie walked in a full circle in front of the bed.

"Yeah, well, I suppose beggars can't be choosers." Leon had the keyblade in his hand, and it disappeared, reappearing in Kairi's hand. She quickly made it disappear.

Yuffie sat down between them, staring at the roof thoughtfully. "Hey, have you heard of someone named Ansem?"

"Ansem?" Sora pondered. "No, don't think so."

"Yeah. None of us remember either." Leon mumbled.

"He had this report, but it's pages were scattered to many worlds."

"There are other worlds out there?" Kairi asked.

"Of course." Yuffie answered.

"I'd like to introduce you guys to someone. Well, more like some people." Leon turned to open the door, but Yuffie interrupted him.

"Look!" She yelled. Kairi turned around to see a heartless had broken into the room.

"Yuffie, go!" Leon shouted.

Yuffie ran through the door and someone yelled, "Yuffie!"

Kairi grabbed Sora, keeping him close, and focused her energy, summoning her keyblade.

Leon also had his weapon. The two shared a glance, and nodded. Kairi followed him out onto the balcony, and climbed down, while Sora just slid down the roof.

"Don't bother with the small fry." Leon told them. "Find the leader." And he took off through a door, which Kairi assumed lead back to the Second District.

"Kairi..." Sora mumbled, his voice shaking in fear. His sword was raised as a shield, and his eyes were fearful.

Kairi saw the heartless near him and took no time in swinging her keyblade to obliterate them.

"We should go to the First District to rest up for a bit." Kairi took a small moment to catch up with everything.

Her home had been destroyed, and she'd been separated from Riku, but at least she had Sora. And on top of all that, a mysterious weapon called a "keyblade" had chosen her.

Sounds about normal for their situation.

"Kairi? Did you hear me?" Sora asked, waving her out of her trance. "I said we should just keep going. The more we keep moving, the closer we'll be to Riku."

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now