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Sora found himself being watched by Luxord, which he didn't mind.

Currently, they were playing a small game of cards to busy themselves.

Nothing fancy, just a few rounds of Go Fish.

The day seemed to stretch on. Not that Sora could tell when it was day or night, he just let his body tell him when it was time to sleep.


Sora looked back at his hand, trying to remember what Luxord had said.

"Ugh." He grumbled. "Could you repeat that?"

Luxord shuffled through his hand of cards. "I asked if you had a King."

Sora glanced back at his cards. "Sorry. Go Fish."

Luxord smirked and went to pick up a card. When he grabbed it, he revealed a King, and then put his cards down.

"I win."

"Hey, that isn't fair! You cheated."

"Did I? Or are you just bad at the game?"

Sora huffed. "Maybe both..."

He was suddenly saved from humiliation when Demyx came in through a corridor of darkness.

"Sup guys? I was bored, so I'll just play some music."

"Up for another game of cards?" Luxord asked.

"Nah, I think I've had enough losing for one day." Sora responded.

He leaned back against the invisible wall, feeling a buzz in his head.

In his mind, a clear image of a boy sitting in a place filled with broken keys appeared.

As soon as it vanished, tears fell from his eyes.

Sora quickly wiped them away.

What was that? He pondered.

Another image. The same boy, with both yellow and blue eyes.

Yet another. A huge amount of Neoshadows surrounding the boy.

Sora yet again felt tears fall, wiping them away. His head started to throb.

Spell.. I need a spell.. Sora waved his hand, his keyblade manifested. The first spell he did was cure, but it didn't work. Instead, it made him a little nauseated from the lack of energy.

"Ugh..." he groaned. The visions stopped after a while, but it left him dizzy and low on energy.

I hope this stops soon. Sora thought hopefully.

And then he remembered something.

"Hey," Sora sat up straighter, looking at Demyx and Luxord. "Do you know anything about the 'two new members' of your group?"

It obviously made them not want to answer. They both stopped what they were doing and glanced at one another.

Luxord looked back at his cards and cleared his throat. "No, we don't know anything thing about it. And if we did, we wouldn't tell you."

"Wha-?" Demyx stuttered. "I thought-"

He was cut off by a card flying straight past his face and yelped in shock.

"Demyx. You know better. Now get back to your music, or perhaps your sitar will not be in tact tomorrow."

"Hey, that's rude! You can't chop it up, cause then I can't go on missions!" Demyx objected.

Luxord scoffed, and didn't say anything.

Sora fought back the urge to laugh at their spout. They seemed emotionless, but the way they acted seemed almost human at times.

They had said through conversations that they used to be human, which made Sora wonder how Nobodies were created anyway.

He put his keyblade away, and set his hands behind his head.

Maybe they all weren't so bad.

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now