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TW for depressive things, as well as in the next two chapters.

Day one

Sora stared at his shaking hand, and then back at the person who stood guard to the circular area.

He didn't know his name, but he sat playing a blue instrument.

That didn't mean that Sora trusted him. He learned the hard way that the people in black coats couldn't be trusted.

But he could at least try and make conversation.

"Hey." Sora squeaked.

The guy stopped tuning his instrument, and turned back to face him with clear cyan eyes. "Hello?"

Sora huffed in relief. "So, why am I here?"

"For a plan. I'm not gonna give it away, I'm not stupid."

"Fine. Do you have a name?"

"Demyx." The blonde said. "And you're Sora, right?"

"Yeah. So, how come you've never been up here before?"

Demyx shrugged. "Apparently they don't trust me with you. They think I'll give everything away, or something. But I'm not gonna do that."

Sora grumbled silently.

How was he gonna get information as to why he was there?

He sighed and made his keyblade appear, twirling it around.

"Don't you guys eat anything?" Sora asked. "I'm hungry. Are you trying to starve me to death?"

Demyx only chuckled.

Sora closed his eyes, feeling for any sign of his friends. His eyes burst open with a small gasp.

They were looking for him.

Hope flared in his chest.

"You're quiet." Demyx remarked.

Sora almost forgot he was there. His heart sped up as he said, "w-well, because I have nothing to do."

Demyx shrugged. "I guess that's a good enough answer."

Sora bit back a sharp retort. What kind of games was this guy playing? Didn't Demyx know that he had the power to hurt Sora if he tried?

Just the thought of being hurt made his stomach churn. Or maybe that was hunger.

The cold air made him shiver, both mentally and physically. Sora ran his fingers across the side of his arms in an attempt to warm himself, and ran across his scars.

The scars he received from Larxene, who had zapped him if he tried to fight back. She'd even said that he gave in to easily, and zapped him.

Sora sighed, and choked down the foul air. It tasted like sand and left a horrible taste in his mouth, bathing his tongue in the terrible remembrance.

He knew that if he wanted, he could jump off the high roof and fly down. But there was something stopping him.

The one thing that kept him hopeful was the tiny, dull amount of warmth he was feeling from his connected to Riku and Kairi.

He glanced at Demyx. He didn't trust him. At all. He was probably pretending, Sora assumed, to make him trust him.

But Sora wasn't falling for it.

His stomach growled in hunger, and he did his best to ignore it. His throat had seemed to start going dry, but he drank whatever items he had on him to stop it.

He needed his voice, after all. How else would he speak?

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now