
27 5 12

Day 49



Ikrux swung his sword, meeting the weapon and face of another, and then backing off, only to run back in and swing again.

But as he did, the other person shot a fireball at him, and he was knocked backwards.

Ikrux landed opposite his opponent, and watched as they approached him in silence.

He assumed it was over, since he'd met the ground first.

"Roxas, how did you do that?" Ikrux asked in awe.

Roxas shrugged as he helped him up. "I kinda just did."

"Could you show me how?"

"That may be hard. But I'm up for the challenge."

Ikrux made his Soul Eater reappear in his hand. "Alright, what's the first step?"

"Well, you kinda just think about the spell you wanna do."

"And how do I do that?"

Roxas shrugged. "For instance, for fire, I focus on a picture of a flame, and the heat of a fire..." his voice trailed off. He raised his keyblade up and a small fireball shot out into the sky and burst, showering them in sparks.

"Whoa.." Ikrux breathed. Deciding to give it a try, he tightened his grip on his sword, and closed his eyes. He focused on a mental image of a flame, imagining the heat growing and growing, and then let the energy go.

When his eyes reopened, he saw a small spark fly off the tip of his sword and flicker to the ground.

Immediately, he felt disappointed. He lowered his sword and head in defeat.

"Hey," Ikrux's head was lifted, and Roxas smiled at him.

"I couldn't do it." Ikrux mumbled.

"That's okay. Maybe you have something else that you're better at."

"Maybe. But what would that be?"

"You know how when I fight, sometimes I can use light?" Roxas asked. Ikrux nodded. "You can do something like that too. All of us can. You just haven't discovered what it is that you can do yet."

Ikrux's mood lifted. "Let's spar then!"

"There's the Ikrux I know." Roxas smiled.

The two went on opposite sides of the training area, getting into their battle stances.

"Try not to hold back, okay?"

Roxas's eyes brightened. "You asked for it."

Ikrux ignored the small jolt of fear that ran through his body, and stared at Roxas, waiting for him to move.

Neither of them moved at all.

Ikrux decided to take the initiative.

After all, an enemy wouldn't wait for him to attack.

He charged at Roxas, and the two of them met halfway, the grinding sound of metal confirming that their weapons had met as well.

Ikrux changed the way he was holding his sword so it was upside down. As he did this, he planted his feet. With a hard shove, he swung upward, knocking Roxas off balance and pushing him away.

What caught him off guard was the tip of his weapon had a purple glow to it as he did it.

"Whoa. How'd you do that?" Roxas asked.

"I dunno. I kinda just did it." Ikrux whispered, staring at his blade.

"What do you say we make this interesting?" Roxas smirked a little. "We can use our powers."

"Alright! Just know, you're going down."

"You wish."

Quickly, the two of them reenacted what had just happened, and yet again, the tip of Ikrux's blade glowed.

Roxas, who'd been pushed back, leaped high in the air with pillars of white light following him. He held his keyblade downward as he flew down.

Ikrux blocked it, or so he thought.

As Roxas hit him, the pillars clashed, exploding on impact.

Ikrux was thrown backwards, but immediately picked himself up and charged again.

Roxas, clearly energized by their spar, raised his keyblade to the sky. As he did, not only was he raised into the sky, but its tip glowed white, and he shot orbs of light in Ikrux's direction.

Ikrux quickly ran from his spot, running through potential ideas for a comeback attack.

The orbs trailed his runaround, and then he jumped.

As he fell, the orbs didn't follow, but erupted into the sky.

He slid across the floor as he met it, absorbing most of the impact.

His mind raced as he tried to figure out a way to try and defeat Roxas.

But he realized, it was a spar. He didn't need to panic.

Ikrux slowed his mind, and pushed off of the floor, jumping high.

As he fell, he did it backwards, twisting his sword like a wheel.

As he hit Roxas, he stopped floating and was pushed to the ground.

Ikrux slid in the air backwards so he didn't land on Roxas, and landed lightly beside him.

"Give up?" He asked.

Roxas chuckled as he stood up. "I'm far from done."

Ikrux slashed the air. "Good. Because I'm not done either."

The two walked a few steps apart, and then faced each other.

This time, Roxas swung first, and Ikrux was hit, knocked to the side.

When he caught himself, Ikrux jumped up, Roxas copied his move, and they instantly met in mid-air.

Their weapons clashed, Roxas pushing upward, and Ikrux pushing down.

They were only in the air for a few moments, but it seemed to last for a while.

Ikrux pushed with enough force to separate him and Roxas, but as he did, purple lightning flashed between the two boys.

For a moment, a look of regret and fear flashed over Roxas's face. But it disappeared as quickly as it came.

As they landed and disarmed themselves of their weapons, Roxas asked, "how did you..?"

Ikrux gave him the same answer. "I dunno. I kinda just did it. Like how you can summon light? I can do darkness, apparently."

"That's so epic! You're an awesome fighter."

Ikrux definitely wasn't expecting Roxas to hug him, especially not so tightly.

But a thing he knew was that if he had a heart, he would have melted at Roxas' words.

When his friend let go, he smiled.

"What was that for?" Ikrux asked.

Roxas shrugged. "I wanted to, I guess."

"I think it's time to go get ice cream."

"Oh right! Let's go then."

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now