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The sound of tapping fingers filled his ears, making him roll his eyes. How long had they been sitting here in silence again..? According to Luxord, it was at least ten minutes, which- in his opinion, anyway- was enough to drive a guy insane. He looked around the room, which was white. Nothing but pure white, and the occasional stark white. Just that. White. Why did it have to be white? Were the lesser Nobodies that uncreative that they only used white everywhere in the castle? Not only that, but how did they manage to make the room so deathly quiet? You could probably drop a pin and hear it, it was that quiet. Minus the sound of card shuffling from Luxord and Marluxia tapping his fingers and occasionally sighing, it was dead silent.

Eventually, the silence was broken. Larxene groaned, throwing her arms up. She looked over at Marluxia, saying, "This is getting annoying! Can we hurry up and get to the point?"

Marluxia looked directly at Demyx, his glare practically shooting through him. "I don't know.. will Demyx actually tell us about what he learned whilst out?"

Demyx bit his lip, and silently nodded. "I, uh.."

"Get on with it!"

He let out a yelp at hearing Luxord's outburst, then turned to look at him. "Alright, alright! Cool your jets, will ya?" He cleared his throat, then looked back up at his superiors. "I was in Dwarf Woodlands, right? And I ran into some people who wield the keyblade! One of them even looked a little like Roxas!"

Larxene sighed, pinching her temple. "Do you mean you found Roxas?"

"Wha-? No! Whoever they were, they were with that Kairi girl! You know, Roxas' friend?"

"Yes, and? She's of no importance to us!" Larxene argued, "She may wield a keyblade, but she has no darkness!" She paused, staring off into the distance. "Actually.. I did hit her with some special type of Thunder, we'll say.." She looked down at Demyx again, tilting her head in an almost curious manner. "Does she still possess a heart of pure light?"

"Huh?! Oh! Uh.." Demyx swallowed, nodding vigorously. "She, uh.." He hummed quietly, trying to recall his memories. He pictured Kairi from when he had last seen her. The more he focused on her image, the more.. light he felt. It felt weird. He blinked out of his temporary reverie, then looked at Larxene. "She still has one, yeah..."

Larxene's expression turned more sour and she rolled her eyes. "Ugh, of course! Because things never work out in our convenience." She paused again, then slowly, she smirked at nothing.

At her side, in the other highest throne, Marluxia put on a look of intrigue. "And what have you thought of, now?"

"Let's say, I read somewhere that even the deepest of darkness cannot swipe away the purest of hearts," Larxene told him, "But I implanted some in Kairi before, not too long ago."

She raised her hand up to the roof, as if she was demonstrating something, and the palm of her hand gained a dark and eery glow. She sharply flicked her wrist, and a dark blast of Thunder hit the platform below the thrones. The sudden noise and flash of light brought out an unconscious yelp from Demyx. Larxene deftly rolled her eyes, then looked back at Marluxia.

"I'm saying, with that extra bit of darkness... perhaps we could convince her to do our bidding.. and then we could stop all this fruitless searching for Roxas and Ikrux."

Marluxia allowed himself a smirk, nodding slowly. "Yes... that would probably be the swiftest plan of action.."

"Oh! That reminds me!" Demyx exclaimed. "I learned something from Kairi while I was out. Replicas. They're like blank slates, and so long as you give them something to absorb, they'd be able to use it. Ya follow?"

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now