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Day 295

Ikrux ran.

And ran.

And kept on running.

If he even slowed down, or took a moment to think about where he was going, they'd find him.

And then it would be over.

His breathing accelerated even more, and there was a loud thumping noise in his ears.

His pace sped up as he rounded a corner. He looked behind his shoulder and didn't see anything for the time being.

And then he crashed into something.

Ikrux looked back in front of him and saw a wall, which was at climbable height.

He jumped up, grabbing onto the gaps between the bricks and managed to pull himself up.

And then he heard it.

The dreadful noise of snarling.

Please no, please no. Ikrux begged silently.

He pushed off the small wall, onto one of the others on the side, and then back on the one he was climbing.

What was chasing him was far below now.

Or so he thought.

Ikrux grabbed onto the edge of the wall and began pulling himself up.

And then he felt something wrap around his ankle.

His gasp hardly concealed, he tried shaking it off.

But it only made whatever it was grab harder.

Ikrux let out a yelp as it tried yanking him down.

"Let me go!" He screeched. "What do you want from me?"

But it just kept pulling.

Eventually, Ikrux had to let go out of fatigue, and hit the ground hard with a loud thud!

He was being dragged backwards, and whatever he tried grabbing onto simply crumbled in his hands.

His attempts to escape were even more useless.

"Stop it!" He yelled.

It kept dragging him, tightening enough that Ikrux's foot started going numb.

Eventually, to Ikrux's surprise, he stopped being dragged.

Ikrux got on his hands and knees as he caught his breath, and then tried standing up.

As he did, he put weight on his left side, and then almost collapsed.

How hard was it holding my ankle? Ikrux asked himself with a groan of pain.

Still, he tried to stand again.

He barely made it a step before he fell.

It hurts...

Ikrux stayed in his spot for a moment to try and think of a way to escape whatever was after him, when he felt a sludgy hand over his mouth and he was yanked down to the ground.

Regardless, he struggled against it.

The feeling of being held down dissipated, and Ikrux sat up gasping.

The ground below him turned dark, and a dome formed over him.

Ikrux started pushing on the walls, trying to get it to go away.

But it didn't work.

"Help!" He yelled. "Someone help me!"

He kept banging on the side with his hands, making as much noise as he could.

As he did, he started sinking down into the ground.

This only made him panic more.

"Help me, please!" He yelled louder.

And then, he sank in all the way.

Ikrux floated in the abyss of darkness, not knowing if his eyes were open or closed.

But the noises he heard, they kept getting louder and louder.

Will I ever get out?

The noises shifted and Ikrux swore he could hear actual words.




"Ikrux, wake up!"

Ikrux's vision turned brighter, and brighter, until he recognized something.

"Roxas..?" He mumbled.

"Oh thank goodness you're alright!" Roxas sighed. "You were having a nightmare."

"I was?"

"Yeah, and you almost fell out of bed."

Ikrux looked around as his eyes cleared, noticing that he wasn't on the ground.

"Is that why you're holding me?"

Roxas's arms shifted, and Ikrux almost fell, so he moved his arms around Roxas's neck, so he didn't fall.

"Um, yeah. So, I should put you down now.."

Ikrux lowered his arms and let Roxas put him down.

Roxas sure is queer. He thought.

"So, what were you doing in my room?" Ikrux asked lightly.

"I was coming to wake you up, and I noticed you shaking and mumbling to yourself." Roxas stated. "And you were calling out for help."

"I'm okay, don't worry."

"Good. I don't want anything happening to you."

The same goes for you. Ikrux thought.

"So, the mission?"

"Right. Larxene was actually nice enough to let me come get you. So, we should be going before she blows her top."

Ikrux chuckled. "Yeah, we probably should."

Roxas winked at him before they left the room.

"Why do you do that?" Ikrux asked.

"Well, I dunno. Guess I just want to."

"I see."

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now