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Day 350

Ikrux winced as he awoke.

Where am I? He thought sleepily.

It took his eyes a while to adjust.

He turned to his side after the conscious feeling of a hand on his chest came back, and he found Roxas asleep next to him.

Roxas's eyes blinked open as Ikrux shifted, and he backed off.

"Morning." Ikrux smiled a little.

Roxas grumbled as he stretched his arms skyward. Ikrux followed the stretch, ending up staring at the clouds.

They didn't have a clock, but Ikrux had a way of knowing when it was during the day without a physical clock.

"Its around ten, from what I can see." He chirped.

"I could... go get us some food?" Roxas suggested. He kept pushing his arms up in a way that Ikrux swore should have been painful, and then dropped them with a sigh.

"Sure, I'll come with you."

"No, no. You look tired. I'll go, you stay."

Before Ikrux could argue, Roxas was absorbed by darkness. When the purple-black dome shape disappeared, he was gone from sight.

Ikrux huffed. He stood up and stretched his body, pulling his weight upward.

He peered over the ledge he was on and watched the people below.

Since their last mission to Agrabah, the heartless had dulled down. So, Marluxia and Larxene stopped sending them here, so it was a world they deemed safe from them.

But, despite being here for a day, Ikrux had a sneaking suspicion that Roxas thought he didn't want to be here.

But he did.

He wanted to be here.

Ikrux's worries came crawling back, threatening to eat away at him.

He swallowed.

Is Roxas okay? He thought. He's been gone for a while.

He could at least check on him.

After all, it wouldn't hurt anyone.

Or, he could pull Roxas to him.

The idea made him smile. But he wouldn't do that, cause it would cause problems.

So instead, he focused on Roxas. Not enough to make him come back to the ledge, but enough. He willed himself to go to Roxas, and felt a Corridor form over him.

He instantly felt the wind rush past and realized he was falling.

But he landed on something?

Ikrux opened his eyes slowly, hoping he landed on a box, or, at the very least, in Roxas's arms.

But nope.

He was above an area, on a covering for an entryway.

Must have been distracted. He realized.

And then he realized there was people.

A lot of them.

He couldn't just teleport away. That would be crazy.

And Roxas was also in the marketplace.

The golden-haired boy looked up at the wrong time, and caught eyes with Ikrux.

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now