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Day 274

Sora stood on the Altar of Naught, straining against Marluxia's grip.

His friends were less than a foot away, but he couldn't reach them.

Why couldn't he break through the invisible wall?

And why was Marluxia holding him back? His gloves were touching the scars above his own glove, which made straining against it hurt even more.

Sora made the mistake of looking up.

When he did, he saw the deathly light of a lightning bolt, and realized what was happening.

Larxene was about to kill him.

Sora was hit, and felt cold.

The pain flew through him immensely fast, which made him feel like screaming.

But his mouth was unresponsive.

His body felt like it was on fire as it evaporated.

Before he completely vanished from the world, he saw the crystal shape of his own heart leave where his body once was.

Marluxia's grip was gone.

Every feeling, memory he had.


Sora felt like sobbing, but that was impossible.

He was now dead.

Or was he?

His heart fell back down, and he was suddenly in a pit of darkness.

What was his name?

What was he doing there?

Why was he there?

He didn't have time to answer the questions.

The questions vanished, and with it, the pit of darkness.


Roxas was sparring with Ikrux.

He was about to do his lightning move.

Roxas knew nothing would happen, so he let the memory play.

But this time, the lighting actually striked him.

Roxas fell to the ground with a gasp.

"Roxas! I'm sorry- how do I heal you?"

Roxas' mouth was unresponsive.

He watched in silent fear as Ikrux panicked.

And felt as his body disappeared.

"Roxas!" Ikrux cried. "Please, answer me. I won't let you leave me."

Roxas only smiled.

And then the end came.

Roxas woke up with a jolt. His entire body was shaking.

What's wrong with me? Roxas stared at the shadows in his room as if there was someone hiding in them, but nothing ever stepped out to challenge him.

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now