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Ending and Secret Ending :)


Riku stared at Donald and Goofy. The two he had a rage for oh so long, didn't seem so bad.

"We can take you back to Twilight Town." Donald suggested. "We have to return home and wait for The King."

"Sounds fine to me." Kairi agreed. "What about you two?"

"I think it would probably be best." Riku nodded.

"Me too!" Sora added.

As they teleported onto the Gummi Ship, Donald and Goofy were kind enough to stand while the trio sat.

Riku stared at the passing ships in space with a sigh.

"I don't know what I was thinking." He mumbled. "I hurt you two. How can you ever forgive me?"

"We can forgive you because it's in our nature. At least, it's in mine. I don't hold many grudges." Kairi said gently.

"I can't imagine being mad at my best friend. I didn't want to hurt you during our fight, so why would I have anything against you?" Sora asked, smiling his usual cheerful smile.

"I suppose."

Riku lurched forward and then back in his seat as Kairi pressed a button, and they teleported.

"We're here!" Sora cheered.

They got out of their seats, and Kairi and Sora had a sad goodbye with Donald and Goofy, promising to visit.

Riku stood idly by, feeling the same dark tar try to find it's way back. He was weaker than before, and almost gave in, but even just the thought of his friends made the feeling dull, and eventually go away altogether.

"Alright, are we ready to go?" Kairi asked.

"Yep! If we need any more items, we can buy them." Sora casually put his hands behind his head.

As the three friends pushed open the doors to Traverse Town, Riku sighed happily.

"Something wrong?" Kairi asked.

"No. Well, maybe. It just kinda bugs me that we can't go home, you know?"

"Yeah, I get you. But we kinda just have to do with what we can right now." Kairi sounded oddly wise as she stared at inter space behind them.

Riku looked too, just in time to see Donald and Goofy wave goodbye, and then drive off. The momentum from them driving away was enough to push the humongous doors closed.

"We'll be okay." Sora said with a smile. "After all, we have each other. We're the masters of the keyblade." He smiled again.

"Yeah, how did you even get the keyblade?" Kairi asked.

"I don't know, actually. I was just focused on keeping you safe and not dying, and I guess I managed to summon one."

"What about your sword?" Riku asked.

Sora held out his hand, his keyblade appearing. He made it disappear, and replaced it with his sword. "I guess I have both."

Riku in turn made his appear, looking at it with curiosity.

"You know, Sora, you may be right. We have each other." Riku smiled for what seemed the first time in forever. "And that's alright."

"Hm. Where'd the old Riku go?" Kairi teased. "That wasn't like you."

In response, they all laughed, and for the first time in forever,

Everything felt right again.

Secret ending:

A high and woozy-looking tower stood out against the night sky. Inside it's highest chamber, two people stood.

Well, one was sat down in a long chair, his eyes closed, and mouth whispering inaudible words.

The other stood facing him, his eyes giving away his impatience.

"Eraqus." The one in the chair said. "The stars bring news."

"Well? What have they to say?" Eraqus asked.

"There are new keyblade wielders." He said in his usual slow tone.

"Have they any names, Yen Sid?"

Yen Sid closed his eyes again, and eventually said, "Sora, Riku and Kairi."

"I see. Perhaps Terra and Aqua can go out looking for them."

"Yes, perhaps."

Eraqus left Yen Sid to his own devices, and returned to the Land of Departure.

When he arrived, he saw Terra and Aqua waiting for him.

"Welcome home, Master." Aqua said with a respectful tone.

"I have a request for the two of you." He said, eyeing his pupils.

"Of course, tell us what it is." Terra said kindly.

"I need you two to go out and search for new keyblade wielders."

A look of shock crossed the two adult's faces.

"But I thought we weren't supposed to leave home." Terra pondered.

Eraqus nodded. "Yes, but it is urgent. Find them, and bring them back here for proper training."

"Yes, Master. We'll leave right now, if you wish." Aqua offered, though her eyes gave away her obvious concern.

"If you're prepared for the journey."

"I think we are. We should be fine, Master." Terra gave a reassuring smile. "We'll be back as soon as we can."

"And we'll make sure to take care of each other." Aqua added.

"I'll have it no other way." Eraqus agreed. "Now, return safely, and as quickly as possible."

Both of them nodded, and Eraqus watched his pupils leave.

He had faith in them, and knew that they would be just fine.

Don't fret, the parallel is far from over.
CoM(Chain of Memories) is next :)

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