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Day 233

Ikrux flopped down on a couch.

He was exhausted.

"Since we're obviously tired, I'll fill out a form later." Roxas said.

He too threw himself down on one of the couches in the Grey Area.

"Today's mission was excruciating." Ikrux said between breaths. "Why am I so tired?"

"I dunno. But to tell ya, I could hardly open a Corridor." Roxas gasped lightly. "I shouldn't have angered Larxene yesterday."


"I bumped into her in the hall. Literally. I was in a bad mood from losing to Demyx again. She snapped at me, and I snapped at her. She said I'd regret it, and I guess I did."

Ikrux hit Roxas on the arm playfully. "So we're tired because of you?"

"She shouldn't have ran into me."

"According to what you said, you ran into her. Not the other way."

Roxas started stuttering, his face turning pink in the slightest. Eventually, he said, "well- I was in a bad mood. So, I don't exactly remember what happened."

"Sure, I'll believe that." Ikrux said sarcastically, elbowing his friend.

Their arms fell from the back of the couch to twining together.

Roxas laid his head on Ikrux's shoulder with a sigh.

"I wanna go to bed." He mumbled.

"What about ice cream?"

Roxas looked up at Ikrux with a playful and mischievous look in his eyes. "Then we'll just eat two tomorrow."

"Its a challenge then."

Ikrux suppressed a yawn as he leaned against the arm of the couch.

Maybe falling asleep wasn't a bad idea.

But they were in a common area.

Surely they would get in trouble?

Ikrux was pushed down onto his backside as Roxas fell asleep on top of him.

Ikrux's eyes felt heavier by the moment, and the weight of Roxas on him didn't help either.

Roxas stirred in the next moment, climbing off of Ikrux and sitting on the far end of the couch.

"Sorry. I'm just really tired." Roxas rubbed his eyes and crossed the room sluggishly.

Ikrux sat up a little.

He watched Roxas begin filling out a mission form through hazy eyes.

Eventually, the urge to fall asleep became too strong, and his eyes closed,

And he drifted off into his dreams.


Day 234

Ikrux heard shuffling noises.

You are-

Ikrux's eyes shot open.

The first thing he saw was a figure standing over him.

"Hey, relax."

The voice calmed his nerves.

It was just Demyx.

"I came to wake you guys up."

"Thanks..?" Ikrux tried sitting up, but the weight of Roxas asleep on him held him down.

Demyx glanced at Roxas. "I'll wake him up for you." He opened his hand, palm up, and a bubble appeared.

"No, no, I think I'll wake him myself-" Ikrux began.

"Nah, it's fine." Demyx blew the bubble in Roxas's direction, and it popped over him.

Roxas sat up immediately, and turned his gaze at Demyx.

"So. You have a minute to apologize." He said sleepily.

"I'm sorry?"

Roxas lunged at Demyx and Ikrux had to hold him down to the couch.

Demyx stepped back, saying, "I was nice enough to turn in your form for you, and to wake you up before Larxene."

"Thanks Demyx. We owe you one." Ikrux said kindly.

"Oh, I don't owe him anything." Roxas struggled against Ikrux's hands around his waist.

"Roxas, please calm down."

"He splashed me to wake me up! He deserves what coming."

Ikrux let go of Roxas, and watched as his friend simply scared Demyx and then sat down with a small sigh.

He had a feeling that today was gonna be a long day.

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now