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A/N: TW for a long chapter, sorry about that ;-;

A figure stepped through the darkness, throwing his hood off.

His colleague, and technical leader, turned their head when he entered.

"Well?" They asked with obvious force. "Did you learn anything?"

He shook his head with regret making it hard to speak.

They growled and slammed their fist into the arm of the couch.

"Guess it's all up to Luxord." They mumbled.

Another person walked out of the darkness, and looked at him.

"Demyx, have you found anything?" He asked.

Demyx sighed. "No, Lord Marluxia, I haven't."

Marluxia frowned. He turned to the other person.

"Has Luxord reported back yet?"

"No, he hasn't."

Marluxia raised an eyebrow at her. "Larxene, you seem mad. He isn't late, you know."

As if on cue, a Corridor of Darkness appeared, and out of it walked Luxord.

"Lord Marluxia, Lady Larxene-"

"That's Lord Larxene to you!" Larxene rebutted.

Demyx, baffled, blurted out, "but you're not a guy!"

Larxene turned her turquoise gaze on Demyx.

She growled, "I can go by what I want, spiky."


Marluxia held his hand out, signaling them to stop. He looked to Luxord. "Have you found anything?"

Luxord sighed and shook his head. "Unfortunately, I have not."

That made Larxene groan. "Great! We have no way to continue completing Kingdom Hearts because guess what? Our only two keyblade wielders have suddenly up and vanished!"

"Ikrux wasn't even a keyblade wielder." Marluxia responded.

"But he clearly had the potential to wield one! If Roxas hadn't taken him with him, we wouldn't have this problem!"

"Excuse me for interrupting, but," Luxord shuffled the deck of cards in his hand, "but how are we so precise on the possibility that Roxas even took Ikrux? What if he went willingly?"

Marluxia sighed. "We are aware of that. But, that's besides the point. We need both of them here."

Demyx couldn't help but ask, "why? I mean, if both of them can use a keyblade, we only need one."

"They are two halves of their own whole." Marluxia explained. "One will not work without the other."

"Well that's stupid."

"If you think it's so 'stupid', you can go get them!" Larxene said simply.

"But they're in an unreachable world!" Demyx objected, moving his hands as he spoke.

Luxord snapped his fingers suddenly. "I've got it!"

"Please, share with the class." Larxene mumbled.

"We could inspect worlds, and look for any signs of keyblade wielders."

"So.." Marluxia sighed. "What we've been doing this whole time?"

"Yes, but all of us go searching."

Demyx groaned. "That sounds like too much work. I'd rather send my Dancers out instead."

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now