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Kairi leapt forward over Riku and landed on the soft grass.

Not that she could feel it, but from her previous failed attempts, her hands told her that it was pretty soft.

Which seemed weird, because people probably trained on it many times before.

Riku went to slash at her, and Kairi raised her keyblade defensively.

They strained against each other's force, and ended up pushing too hard.

The metal started grinding.

"Whoa, whoa! That's enough." Said the gentle, yet stern voice of Aqua.

Kairi backed off of Riku and took a deep breath.

"How have the two of you improved on your blocking abilities?"

"I can summon a barrier for exactly 8 seconds." Riku said. "But I already knew how to do it before. Somehow."

"That's good! You're improving." She turned to Kairi. "And you?"

Kairi took a short deep breath again. "I'm still working on it."

"That's alright. It takes some time to get it just right."

"Can't you just tell me how to do it?" She asked.

"Nah. According to Aqua, it's the same as asking how you summon a keyblade." Terra said with a chuckle.

"But it's true. You can't exactly answer the question, can you?"

"I guess not."

Kairi collapsed on the floor.

Training tired her out.

She relaxed a little when she remembered something.

Her, Sora and Riku all thought that they were the keyblade masters, but they actually weren't.

"Could we take a break?" Riku asked.

His glance at Kairi made her realize that it was in her favor, and that he wanted to talk.

"Sure. We need to go speak with the Master anyhow." Terra responded.

"We'll be back soon." Aqua smiled.

The two adults turned and left, heading through the path.

Riku had a smile on his face as he watched them leave, and then turned to Kairi with a confused look.

"What was that?" He asked.

Kairi's face twisted with confusion. "What was what?"

"How can you of all people not summon a barrier?"

"I just- Sora was the better one at magic, you know that, Riku!"

"That doesn't mean he couldn't have taught you anything!"

"I did more attacks than anything! Sure, I could do magic, but I had the advantage of hitting things to replenish it!"

Riku narrowed his eyes as she continued.

"Sora, on the other hand, magic was his only advantage. He was so good, he could shoot a fireball and it would destroy crowds of heartless!"

Riku silently repeated her words and then smiled softly.

"You're stronger than you know. I can do darkness attacks, you know that. That's my advantage. Now, what's yours?"

"I don't-" Kairi stopped. She did have one.


She was made of light.

Riku smiled again. "Now you see?"

Kairi narrowed her eyes. "And when did you become so wise?"

"I-" Riku rolled his eyes. His shoes scuffed and played with the dirt as he said, "being the role model has its perks and downsides."

"I see."

Kairi felt around for her satchel, and pulled out her wayfinder.

A memory started playing, but she shook it off.

"I was so sure it would keep us together.." she held it against her chest and looked at Riku, who had sat down next to her.

He smiled warmly. "It kept us together, didn't it?"

"But Sora.."

"I miss Sora just as much as you do. And I know we'll find him."

"But how? We've just been staying here all the time. We'll get nowhere by staying here."

"Well obviously-"

Kairi heard footsteps and grass suffering, and turned to look behind her.

"We're back." Aqua announced.

"Can we train some more?" Kairi asked.

"Oh. Well, if you want to."

"I do."

Kairi put her wayfinder back in her satchel in a gentle manner and got up.

She helped Riku off the grass, and they walked opposite each other on the Observatory.

Her hand was thrown down, and the Destiny's Embrace sparkled into view.

Riku re-summoned Way to The Dawn, and got into his stance.

Kairi nodded to him to signal that she was ready for him to attack.

As she waited for exactly 35 seconds for Riku to run at her, she let one small part of a memory play.

As she remembered how she saved Riku, Kairi reached closer at the power she used, back then it was accidental.

But it wasn't going to be an accident this time.

Riku ran closer and closer, but the moment wasn't right yet.

Kairi waited until he was practically on top of her to move.

She raised her keyblade, quick as lightning. There was shock clear in Riku's eyes.

Their weapons clashed with a grinding sound, and Kairi backed off, catching Riku again by surprise.

She focused on her newly found power, and, as Riku charged again, she twisted her keyblade backwards and slashed up, pushing him out of her vicinity.

And, for a brief moment, her keyblade held a golden aura.

Riku did a flip in the air and dived down at her.

Kairi shot a projectile from the red tip from her keyblade. And somehow, Riku vanished from sight.

Kairi turned behind her, but it seemed too late.

Riku hit her from behind, and she was down.

"Not bad." Riku commented.

"How did you just- teleport?" Kairi asked. Her chest heaved up and down from exhaustion, and with the sun beating down on them, it wasn't helping.

Riku obviously noticed, and stepped a bit over, into the sun, so his shadow fell over her.

"I didn't teleport. Well, technically. I saw your shadow, and shifted from in front of you to where your shadow was."

"Mysterious." Kairi said.

"It's my job."

"That was a great spar, you two." Terra said.

"Thanks." Kairi and Riku said in unison.

"But, I think that's enough for now. We can pick it up tomorrow."

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now