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Riku instantly shut his eyes against the wind as he let his armor fall.

Wherever they were seemed very breezy.

He looked around for a moment.

They had landed on a staircase.

"You know, this world seems familiar." He heard Kairi mumble.

"Like how?" Riku asked.

Kairi turned her gaze on him, her hair swishing as she moved.

She seemed graceful.

"I dunno." She looked him in the eyes and smiled. "I've probably been here before."

"Well, then you know your way around, surely?" Terra asked.

"I... think so!"

Riku noticed Aqua smiling. "Then lead the way." She said.

Kairi's face reddened, and she looked down bashfully. "But maybe you two should. After all, you guys are older."

Riku leaned back on his heels as Terra spoke to his friend.

"Age doesn't matter." He said. "If you know your way around, surely you should lead?"

"I guess." She shrugged.

Kairi started down the steps, and Riku followed in step behind her.

As they went down, the scenery got dark.

Riku shuddered as he felt cold wind blow past.

He coughed, which made Kairi stop.

She gave him a questioning look. "Everything okay?"

Riku looked around again. "I'm not to sure. The darkness seems to be here, in great amounts."

Kairi looked thoughtful. "Maybe that's why I feel dizzy."

"Probably." He walked down a step closer to her. "Are you alright to keep going?"

Her gaze narrowed. "Yeah, I'm fine." She looked a tad exasperated as she added, "you should stop worrying so much."

"I just..." he looked away as he said, "I feel bad for what I did a year ago."

"That's in the past. You've apologized, and changed."

Riku only shrugged.

Kairi stared at him another second, and then headed down the steps.

Soon, they reached the bottom, and walked through an arched blue doorway.

Riku took in the scenery.

It was dark, and had musty purple water flowing where the land wasn't.

There was a huge coliseum across the way with bright blue lights flashing from it.

"Hm." Kairi turned around and looked behind them.

"Is something wrong?" Aqua asked.

"Well.. we're in Olympus. But this isn't the Coliseum."

"Maybe it was up the stairs, instead of down?"


The rest of Kairi's words were cut off by a shrill scream.

Turning around, Riku saw a girl running from heartless.

She collapsed on the ground as the heartless surrounded them.

As Riku went to charge, Kairi stopped him.

"Leave this to me, alright?"

"Let me at least help!"

Riku ran alongside her and slid on the edge of his shoes.

He helped the girl up.

"Come on." He said.

The lady listened, and he guided her off to the side.

"Back off!" Kairi demanded.

Riku saw her aim a Wisdom Shot up at the sky.

It grew, and she let it fly.

It fell down, and she leapt out of the way just in time.

"Those heartless never stood a chance." Riku said.

"Thanks." Kairi said, panting.

Using her power must have made her tired.

The lady walked back over. After she dusted herself off, she said, "and you're supposed to be?"

"I'm Kairi, that's Riku." Kairi said.

"And your parents?"

Riku stifled a snicker. "They're not our parents. But that's Terra and Aqua."

"We were wondering how Hercules was doing?" Kairi prompted.

She looked around a moment. "You know Wonderboy?"

"Well obviously." Kairi scoffed. "I'm a hero too!"

Riku kicked the ground. "Don't 'cha mean junior hero?"

This earned him a playful glare.

The lady chuckled at their banter. "Looks like we have a friend in common. Name's Megara. My friends call me Meg."

"So.. where's Herc?" Kairi asked.

"Probably up at the Coliseum." Meg responded. "He's been.. how do you say.. overworking himself? And for a while. Gotta say, I'm impressed." She looked down. "But also worried."

"But why are you down here?" Riku asked.

"Believe it or not, I was on my way to ask Hades for some mercy. He's the one keeping Wonderboy on his toes."

"Is there anyway we can help?"

The gentle voice of Aqua spooked Riku.

"Besides, it's a bit dangerous." Riku mumbled. "Hades isn't the guy you wanna mess around with." He looked her in the eye. "I'll go in your place."

Meg looked shocked. "I think I can handle myself."

"Nonsense." Riku shook his head firmly. "I got a bone or two to pick with him. Trust me, I got this."

"If ya say so."

"Riku, you aren't going by yourself, are you?" Terra asked. "If what you said is true, we should go with you."

"I don't want to put you three in danger."

Kairi nudged him hard on the arm. "As if it would put us in danger!" She hissed. "Let us come along, or we'll do it by force."

Riku was about to argue, but when he saw the fire starting to burn in Kairi's eyes, his argument died away.

He huffed. "There really isn't any convincing you, is there?"

Terra, Aqua and Kairi all shook their heads.

Riku turned to Megara. "Make that all three of us taking your place."

"Fine by me." She responded. "This way, I can go back up to the Coliseum."

"When you do, could you tell Hercules I said 'hi'?" Kairi pleaded.

"Sure thing."

One Change - A KH "What If?" (DISCONTINUED/MOVED)Where stories live. Discover now