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"Hurry up, or I will not hesitate to test out my powers on you!" A feminine voice growled impatiently.

"Ah! Okay, okay!" Another squealed in terror. "I was in a new world, and I came across the kids. They were wielding these large keys."

"Surely that isn't all from your report? Even I know you can do better than that." An accented voice said.

"Well duh! I wouldn't be giving some stupid recon report with just that. I sensed a large amount of darkness in one of them. A boy with silver hair. One of his friends, a brunette, was just normal. But a girl, she had no darkness in her heart."

"I see. Quite intriguing. I don't believe I've seen a person whose heart was free of any darkness." Another said.

The guy slammed his hands down. "I'm tired of all this secrecy. I want names."

"That brings up the question, of what is your name? And the other guy as well." The pink-haired one said.

"That, I don't have to say. Because I don't remember."

"I see. Well, maybe we can give you names." He waved his hand, and the letters of the other guy's name appeared, and then they swirled around him until and X dropped down, forming the name Demyx.

"Sick name." Demyx said. "I like it."

The girl waved her hand, doing the same to the other guy, and formed the name Luxord.

"What are your names? And why do ours have an X in them?" The newly named Luxord asked.

"It's a thing that we decided to do." She answered.

"My name is Marluxia, if you must know."

The girl glanced at him with a confused look, before she realized. "Larxene."

"Is that your name?"

"Yeah. So, back to those three kids. We should find a way to sneak around and watch them. Maybe even convince the one with darkness to unleash it. After all, that's how we were created, right? We fell to darkness?"

Marluxia nodded. "And this is obviously the home of us.... nobodies."

"What?" Demyx blurted.

"Simple. Do you feel a beating heart inside you? Of course not. We reside with neither light, nor darkness. We are Nobodies."

Luxord nodded. "Makes plenty of sense. Now, here's an idea. I heard of a thing called Kingdom Hearts, and apparently completing it does wonderous things. So, who's to say that it won't give us hearts?"

Larxene stared at the floor, her yellow-blonde hair falling past her face. "Of course. But only the power of the keyblade can do that..."

"Those children have keyblades." Demyx said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"So, they've already done the work. I wondered why there was a strange heart in the sky." She mumbled.

"Okay, so, we have to establish something. Who's in charge?" Marluxia asked.

Demyx shook his head. "Certainly not me. Either you or Larxene would be perfect."

"I agree with Demyx. I don't believe I suit such a role. Perhaps, though, the two of you would be our leaders." Luxord agreed, his voice still monotone.

"Want to share the role?" Marluxia asked.

"Why not? So long as you're the brains and I'm the brawn, it works out perfectly." Larxene smiled her usual sadistic smile.

"Perfect. Now, shall we get back to the plan?"

"What plan? The only plan we have is to spy on children. Don't we have anything better to do?" Demyx whined, his cyan eyes flickering around.

"Well, if you're complaining so much, you'll be the one doing the spying." Larxene hummed in satisfaction, and let herself smirk as Demyx's eyes widened with shock.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Marluxia smirked as well, though his didn't show nearly as much emotion as Larxene's.

"Wait! That's it." Larxene paced around the area, her eyes appearing with a sort of glow in the dim lighting. "We want them to keep attacking more heartless, don't we? So, simple. We kidnap one of them, so the other two come scouring to find them."

"But which one?" Came Luxord's response. "Two of them are far too valuable, at least in my eyes."

"Well, I did say that there was a normal one. He had brown hair, and seemed overly energetic. Why don't we just take that one?" Demyx asked.

"For once, you have a good idea in that pea-sized brain of yours. I'll take the role of doing the kidnapping, but the question of where we put him still remains." Larxene huffed, her eyes flickering from here to there.

"Already taken care of." Marluxia smiled, though it was empty. "I've had the lesser nobodies build something for us all. After all, we are their lords, we should get something higher than them. After it is done being built, we can start our plan."


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