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I met him the summer before I turned nineteen. I'd bumped into him, literally, at a cafe two minutes from the Airbnb I was staying at in Yongsan. He'd accidentally spilled his iced Americano on me since he was rushing to get back to his dance practice.

"I'm sorry!" He quickly grabbed some napkins and started patting the stain on my shoulder.

I just happened to be wearing my favorite piece of merch from my college — an off-white knit sweater with a large, crimson H in the middle. I was pissed, to say the least.

"You look really mad, so I promise to make it up to you!" He fumbled around in his backpack until he found a pen. On a spare napkin, he started scribbling something.

"W-What are you doing?" I asked. Not only had he spilled his coffee on me, but he was also wasting my time. I was about to lose my spot in line to a girl who looked too impatient to wait for the commotion to blow over.

"Here's my name and my number. I'll give you a call later today," the boy said quickly. "Gotta go!"

"Excuse me?" But it was too late. He was already crossing the street.

I looked at the messy handwriting on the napkin.

Kang Taehyun 010-0205-4553 :D

I wanted to throw the napkin away, but...

...Instead, I saved his number on my phone.

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