twenty two.

328 13 5

(yeonjun's POV)

Usually Kai would be awake at this time. He'd either be making pancakes or getting ready for a morning run. But he was nowhere to be seen.

I'd asked Beomgyu and Soobin to buy eggs and milk since we were "running out." But really, I just wanted to be alone with Kai so that I could talk to him.

I gently knocked on his door. "Kai? It's Yeonjun." I slowly entered the room.

Kai had his arm around Y/N in a protective embrace. They were both sleeping soundly.

"Oh..." I mumbled to myself. I began to leave, but I heard Kai whisper my name.

"Yeonjun, is that you?"

Crap. I'd forgotten that the maknaes' door was creaky.

"Yes, it's me. Just checking in," I said, re-entering the room. Kai was propped up on one arm, the other still around Y/N.

"Did you need me?"

"Actually, yes."

"What is it?"

"I'd like to talk to you about something."


"What did I do this time?" Kai asked with a somewhat annoyed look on his face.

"Nothing wrong..." I replied. "I just wanted to ask you a question."


"I just want to know... What do you think of Y/N?"

I watched as a smile slowly appeared on Kai's face. "I think she's... a really good person." Then his smile became sad. "Taehyun is lucky to have her."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you know what I mean."

I clicked my tongue. "So... Do you like her? I mean, as more than a friend?"

Kai nodded. "I think... like is an understatement." He looked down to avoid my gaze.

"Hyuka..." I began. "I know what it's like."

"What it's like to what?" he asked, eyes still glued to the floor.

"To love someone you can't have because they're with another person."

Kai looked up at me. "You do?"

"Yes." I sighed. "I know how tough of a situation this is for you. But I can tell you this: don't give up on that person."

"But Yeonjun, she and Taehyun—"

"I know. I know it feels wrong. All I'm saying is that you should wait for her to tell you what she wants before you make any rash decisions or say anything that might hurt her."

I saw a tear run down the side of Kai's face.

"Don't ignore or deny your feelings for her. They're valid," I reassured him. "It's okay to show her that you care about her. Do you want to know why?"


"Because maybe, she might change her mind."

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