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(kai's POV)

The day after Taehyun brought Y/N to the dorm, I started seeing them together almost every day. Taehyun probably felt bad for nearly forgetting about me, so he also invited me to their hangouts.

I wouldn't have gone if I didn't think Y/N was the coolest person I'd met in a while.

She seemed shy and reserved at first, but eventually she opened up to me. She was friendly, witty, and always happy. A ray of sunshine, I dare say.

And she had the most captivating eyes I'd ever seen on a girl. They were big, round, and dark brown but they seemed to twinkle all the time. It was as if they held so much light, so many stories. I felt drawn to them.

I felt drawn to her.

Eventually, I looked forward to spending time with Taehyun and Y/N. Usually, we'd go to Taehyun's favorite cafe after strolling in the park or playing in the arcade. Then, Y/N would have to go back to her place because she had work to do.

One time, she invited the both of us to her place out of the blue.

"I've been over to your dorm so many times, and I just feel like it's time to return the favor," Y/N explained. "I even made banana walnut muffins for you guys!"

"No. Freaking. Way," I said. My mouth was already watering.

"I also restocked on grape juice," Y/N added.

"Oh my goodness, I am sold!" I exclaimed. "Taehyun! What do you say?"

"I don't know... I have to catch up on some work..." Y/N and I groaned in response to Taehyun's lame excuse.

"Not even for half an hour?" Y/N pouted.

"Sorry Y/N... I'm trying to meet three deadlines," Taehyun said. "But I promise I will come over once this hell of a week is over!"

Y/N sighed. "Alright... Let me know how it goes! Good luck!"

Taehyun hugged Y/N, then me. "See you guys later!"

Y/N and I watched as Taehyun hopped on a bus back to the dorm. Then she turned to me and said, "Are you ready for the best banana walnut muffins you've ever tasted?"

"Um... yes!"


The smell of freshly baked muffins hit me as soon as I stepped foot in Y/N's apartment. My mouth started watering even more, if that was even possible.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Y/N said. "The bathroom is down the hall to your left, and the banana muffins are this way." I followed her into the kitchen, where a huge tray of muffins was waiting on a white marble island. Y/N handed me a plate, some utensils, and a glass.

"Feel free to take as many as you want!" Y/N brought the muffins closer to me. I took one and bit into it. I was blown away.

"What's in this?!" I hollered.

"Wait... Does it taste bad?"

"No! It tastes amazing! Even better than the muffins they have at the bakery I always go to!" I took another large bite of the muffin and closed my eyes to savor the taste.

"That means you can tell Taehyun all about what he missed out on," Y/N teased.

"Of course I will." I finished the muffin in one last bite and sighed loudly. "I am never going back to that bakery again."

Y/N laughed and I realized she was slightly blushing. Did she realize it herself? I decided not to tell her. Seeing her cheeks turn a rosy pink made me smile. It was adorable.

"Oh! The grape juice!" Y/N rushed to the fridge and brought out two large bottles of grape juice. "Taehyun once mentioned to me that you drink grape juice like it's water, so I figured I'd get you some in case you didn't like the muffins..." She started pouring the juice into my glass.

I know it probably wasn't a huge deal, but it made my heart flutter knowing that she had remembered something so random about me. That she'd gone out of her way to buy my favorite drink in the entire world.

And that's when I thought, I think I might like you, Y/N.

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