twenty three.

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I woke up again at around 8:45 after drifting asleep. I assumed everyone else had gotten up already since I heard conversations in the kitchen.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm up late," I said as I joined the boys.

"Don't apologize, it's the weekend!" Yeonjun said. He was in an apron, making what looked and smelled like cheese quesadillas.

I sat down next to Beomgyu at the dinner table. "Where's Kai?"

"I think he went for a walk," replied Yeonjun.

"Oh... Do you know when he'll be back? I think I left something in his car," I lied. Really, I just wanted to talk to him.

"He didn't say. Why don't you call him?"

"My phone's dead," I lied again. "And I left my charger back at my place."

"What kind of phone do you have?" Beomgyu asked. "If you have an iPhone, then you can borrow Yeonjun's or my charger."

"It's okay, I don't really need my phone to head back."

"Alright, but let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks Beomgyu."

I needed to find Kai and talk to him about what he said this morning. I wanted to know if he really meant it.

I changed out of Kai's onesie and back into my own clothes. Then I grabbed my phone and began to walk out of the dorm.

"Y/N, where are you going?" asked Yeonjun.

"To find Kai."

And I knew just where to start looking.

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