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"A stream? Right in the middle of downtown Seoul?" I asked Kai when he told me where we were going.

"It's my favorite place to go to when I need a break from the chaos back at the dorm," Kai explained. "It's called Cheonggyecheon stream."

"How did I not know about it before?" I had been staying in Seoul for nearly six weeks now, and I thought I'd discovered every little thing this beautiful city had to offer. Apparently not.

"Because you don't spend enough time with me," Kai said nonchalantly as a smirk formed on his face.

"So you're saying I should spend more time with you?"


There it was again. The same strange feeling that coursed through my body back in my kitchen. This time, I could put it into words more clearly. It felt like...

Butterflies. But not a whole lot. Maybe just two, flying around each other in my stomach.

And though I didn't understand why I was feeling this way, it was obvious that Kai was the reason behind it. And that the feeling meant something because it had come twice in one day.

"So you go here for quiet time, huh?" I asked as Kai and I arrived at Cheonggyecheon. The stream itself was just a few feet away from the walkway. I was tempted to dip my feet in it since it was especially humid this morning.

"Or when I go on morning walks." Kai was observing the horizon before us. The sun peeped through the tall buildings, giving the sky a gorgeous amber glow.

"Why this stream, of all places?"

Kai stopped walking and turned to me. "Because it's beautiful."

The two butterflies became three.

"And it makes me happy."


"And if I could, I would spend the rest of my life looking at it."


Kai turned around and kept walking. "Besides, everywhere else is either too loud or too far." He picked up a coin from the ground and put it in my hand. "Here. Make a wish."

"Why don't you? You're the one who found it."

"I'm sure I'll find another spare coin."

"Well, if you insist..." I closed my eyes and thought hard.

What do you want?

I want Taehyun to wake up.

Wait... Do you?

Yes? Of course.

Are you sure?

Why wouldn't I be? Why wouldn't I want my boyfriend to wake up?

Because maybe you're torn.

W-Why in the world would I...

And you've been confused lately.

I'm not confused...

Oh yeah? Then explain the butterflies in your stomach.

I opened my eyes and threw the coin into the stream out of panic.

Then I turned around and speed walked away from Kai.

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